Which is better, animal or vegetable protein?

There are two types of protein, complete and incomplete, which come from plant or animal sources. Protein supplements, no matter what type they are, are also derived from plant or animal sources. Which is better between animal or vegetable protein depends on a number of factors. There are those who choose not to eat meat

The role of fats in our life

Fats, along with proteins and carbohydrates, are one of the three nutrients used as a source of energy by the body. The energy produced by fats is 9 calories per gram. Protein and carbohydrates each provide 4 calories per gram. full fat; the sum of saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fats. Intake of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated

The last three cycling training zones

If you didn’t read the article before this one, you’ll want to start there to learn about the first four common cycling training zones. Once finished, come back to this article! The last three zones in the common training zone lineup are very important and include the most important and widely used range. We’ll also

Ten tips to change your drinking habits

If you want to change your drinking habits, AA and total abstinence are not your only options. Research from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism shows that most people who change their drinking habits do so without AA or rehab. Many decide that quitting smoking altogether is their best option, but many, if

Does CBD oil work? Studies suggest so

There are many claims that CBD oil works to help relieve pain, anxiety, symptoms of multiple sclerosis, colds, arthritis, and much more. However, does CBD oil work? Does it really work to help deal with the symptoms of so many illnesses, diseases, and injuries? This is something we have investigated, along with any supporting evidence.

7 Signs Michael Jackson Had an Eating Disorder

Michael Jackson has died and there is speculation about the cause of his death. Stress, drug problems, weak lungs and heart, and extremely low body weight are all involved. Numerous rumors suggest that, at the time of his death, Michael weighed just over 100 pounds. Given his height of 5′.10″, his BMI at the time

Daily Weight Loss Tips

Whether it is for the wedding season, the festive season or just to be healthy, everyone wants lose weight and look fit. Unhealthy lifestyles often include lots of fatty and junk food along with little or no exercise. Sitting in your chair at work all day can cause all the fat to accumulate on your

Keep high energy for success in life and business!

Now no matter what you do in life, you have to keep your energy high for success. If you have a boring nine to five job, it takes a lot to get up, let alone work each day. If you have a physical business, it takes a lot of energy to keep it going every