8 ways to burn belly fat without exercise

Looking to burn belly fat without exercising? Or, if you’re like me, looking for additional ways to burn belly fat beyond traditional exercise. Here are some great ways to boost your metabolism without hopping on an exercise machine, lifting a dumbbell, or doing ab workouts. 1) walk Walking has been widely documented as the best

Made of Iron – The Creation of an Iron Woman

The IRONMAN is possibly the toughest competitive athletic event in the world. It takes the most difficult events to do in itself on one day and combines it with the most difficult event on another day. THEN, add one more just in case! The IRONMAN is a 2.2-mile swim, a 112-mile bike ride, and a

4 foods that cause constipation and make it hard to come out

Certain foods cause constipation, when eaten in large portions, or without a balance of good “colon-cleansing” foods. This is another example where knowledge is power. By knowing which foods to avoid or cut down considerably, you’ll be well on your way to taking better care of your colon. This is yet another way to help

Flat abs for tennis players

The importance of a strong core for tennis players cannot be overstated. Having a strong core is essential to playing your best game. With a strong core, you can have incredible stamina and shot power. It’s essential to playing your best game and it all starts with flattening that stomach! If it were as easy

5 impressive exercises for the shoulder muscles

America is known for being “happy arm” and I have to agree. It’s kind of funny to see the vast majority of guys in the gym hitting their arms and chests every day. The next time you’re lifting weights, look around and I bet you’ll notice all the benches and preacher curl machines are occupied.

How to perform self-hypnosis to lose weight

Today, obesity is at the highest levels it has ever been in the United States. The land of the free is the first nation in history to have problems not from lack of food, but from having too much food. The mass availability of food in places like fast food restaurants, mega supermarkets, pre-packaged goods

Calories in Bananas

Banana is considered a rich fruit as it not only contains vitamins and minerals, but also electrolytes such as potassium, which are essential for the normal functioning of the body. The banana is also called “the fruit of the wise.” The caloric content of bananas provides a constant source of energy and this fruit is

The Weekly Fitness Post: Build Strong Arms for Stunting

Week 5: Strength Training Arms If you’re a point guard on a cheerleading squad, you already know that arm strength is crucial to becoming a better point guard. Throwing, lifting, twisting and catching other girls in the air is not for the faint of heart or weak. Many women, in general, tend to lack the