The last three cycling training zones

Health Fitness

If you didn’t read the article before this one, you’ll want to start there to learn about the first four common cycling training zones. Once finished, come back to this article!

The last three zones in the common training zone lineup are very important and include the most important and widely used range. We’ll also be discussing the last three of my training ranges, since they overlap and do the same thing for the most part, I just have different names for them. For the most common names we have VO2 Max or zone 5, Anaerobic or zone 6 and Neuromuscular Power or zone 7. In my line they would be zones 7 to 9, and they are called Power Intervals, Absent Intervals and Synapse. intervals. Let’s dig in!

Starting with the VO2 Max training range, where the intervals with these babies start to get shorter as the intensity ramps up to a new level. She will definitely have leg fatigue during these intervals and won’t be able to talk much. The typical range of time for these intervals is 3-8 minutes and the combined work and rest portion of hard training tends to be less than 40 minutes. As an example, you could do 4 x 5 minute intervals with 5 minute rest between intervals for a total of 40 minutes. As you sweat and work hard during these intervals, you’re using carbohydrates to fuel your performance. The adaptations in this range are seen faster than in the previous zones, since a greater anaerobic capacity is seen, which is exercise without the use of oxygen, growth of slow twitch muscle fibers, increased blood flow to the muscles, increase in plasma volume, increase in stroke volume, increase in maximum cardiac output, and obviously an increase in VO2 Max. The only difference in these intervals and my power intervals is that I can go down to 2 minutes in my 2-8 minute range, where the normal measure is to stay between 3-8 minutes.

Moving on to anaerobic zone 6, where it is no longer possible to use heart rate as a guide due to heart rate lag. The heart always lags behind in training at the beginning, and when you finish it lags behind in the slowdown. Due to the way the heart works, short high intensity intervals are not measured with heart rate due to inaccuracy. For more consistent, moderate to easy efforts, heart rate can be used.
These intervals will cause severe leg discomfort as well as impossible conversation as these intervals last between 30 seconds and 3 minutes. It is generally not recommended to do these intervals multiple days in a row. All adaptations occur in this zone, but the greatest benefit of this zone is the ability to increase the body’s anaerobic capacity. Because this range causes so many adaptations, you’ll see many training plans that include intervals in this zone. Again, the only difference between the anaerobic intervals and my absence intervals is that they go from 30 seconds to 2 minutes instead of 30 seconds to 3 minutes.

The last and final range we’ll talk about is the Neuromuscular Power Zone, or Zone 7. These intervals are very short, have very high watt output, and are not meant to tax the cardiovascular system. The goal is to dump a large amount of watts in less than 30 seconds. This zone puts a lot of stress on the musculoskeletal system and creates an increase in neuromuscular power. Other benefits include growth of type 2b fast twitch muscle fibers and increased muscle ATP stores for the short sprint efforts required in racing. Again, the only difference I have here in my synapse intervals is staying at 25 seconds or less.

In the next article I will discuss different ways to put together workouts that involve different zones.

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