The correct way to lose weight and gain muscle

Many people lose weight the wrong way. Some people try to starve themselves on super-low-calorie diets, while others will go on a low-carb or low-fat diet. These diets can leave you in poor health, with a damaged metabolism. A healthy diet would be one that has the right combination of protein, fat, and carbohydrates for

How and when to drink whey protein

Whey protein is a by-product of the cheese production process. Whey is a “complete protein”, which means that it contains the 9 essential amino acids necessary for the repair of bones, organs and muscles. The serum comes with many benefits including: Weightloss Decreased triglycerides. Helps in cancer treatment It plays a vital role in increasing

Best Weight Loss Diet Programs to Get Rid of Unwanted Fat

Are you overweight or obese and want to lose weight immediately? Or maybe you are one of the many people who are confused about which weight loss diet program is best to help you regain a slim and fit body. Well if you really want to lose weight then you will need to get up

Tips on how to lose weight fast

There are many ways that you can lose weight. However, many of those highly publicized plans are sure to make you hungry, and sometimes the results are unsatisfactory. You will need a very strong willpower to be able to handle hunger, as it can make you give up all efforts. To achieve its goal, the

Diet plans for weight loss or diet fads?

In this article I am going to share some information to clarify if you should be on a diet plan or is it just a fad? The weight loss industry would have us take pills every day, drink expensive protein shakes, and buy expensive exercise equipment. So the stakes are high when it comes to

The healthy diet plan that works

Whether you want to gain or lose weight and regain your health, this healthy diet plan really works to help you reach your ideal weight. The importance of protein From our school days, we learn that proteins are the building blocks of life. They are necessary for growth and repair. Therefore, the diet must be

What is a balanced diet for weight loss and good health?

The total calories you should eat depend on whether you are a woman or a man. It depends on your body structure and your level of activity. So you need to make some adjustments to the numbers that I present. If you have consumed about 1800 calories per day, you can slowly reduce your intake

3 ways to lose excess weight

Okay, here’s a little experiment to try. In a random survey of people you know today, ask them two questions. 1. How do you feel about your body? 2. What about your weight? Do you want to lose, gain or maintain your current weight? About 4 out of 5 will complain about how much more

Protein diet: how does it work?

Do you really want to definitely lose your excess weight? Then you are looking for a healthy lifestyle that makes it easy for you to maintain weight. A protein diet or a high protein diet is a great way to eat tasty and healthy. The great advantage of the protein diet is that you will