Basal metabolic rate: starting point for the weight loss plan

You basal metabolic rate It is a tool that trainers and nutritionists use as a starting point when developing a weight loss program. We all know what basal metabolism is; the dictionary defines it as “the amount of energy consumed by an organism at rest simply to maintain its basic functions.” Basal metabolic rate (BMR)

How much protein do you get or eat on the Medifast diet?

In essence, medifast is really a low carb diet. I find that a lot of people are a bit surprised by this, myself included. You used to think this was your restrictive, low calorie staple diet, but there is more to it than that. All foods are high in protein and fiber, while relatively low

The Cardio Fitness Secret That Powers Lance Armstrong

What is Lance Armstrong doing that you can do to improve your results? Most people exercise to lose weight, focusing solely on that one goal. objective wait, it’s not just about looking aesthetically pleasing, putting on those skinny jeans, or lose ten pounds. It really is about improving your health and your health performance. Every

Alcohol content in different drinks

It is important to keep track of not only the number of drinks you consume on your night out, but also the type of drinks. Different types of alcoholic beverages vary in their alcohol content, and therefore some beverages can cause higher levels of intoxication than others. Before making the decision to drive home after

Foods Good for the Eyes: The Vision Benefits of Brussels Sprouts

We are all familiar with aerobics for better physical health. But did you know that there is also another form of exercise for the eyes? These eye exercises improve eyesight naturally by strengthening the eye muscles. Although eye exercises are important, we must not neglect the nutritional aspect of caring for our eyes. For example,

What diet is good for a marathon?

Nutrition is often an overlooked element of marathon training. The right nutrition plan will make those long workouts seem so much easier! Food is your source of energy. All food is made up of carbohydrates, protein, fat, and fiber. Carbohydrates are linked to energy production, complete proteins are linked to tissue repair and building, fat

TTA (tetradecylthioacetic acid) for a leaner and more muscular body

TTA (tetradecylthioacetic acid) is a relatively new supplement among bodybuilding health products on the market. It is intended to increase fat burning, which is helpful when practicing bodybuilding. So far, it is used in conjunction with other supplements intended to increase satiety and reduce appetite, as well as burn fat. Most often, tetradecylthioacetic acid is

Gain Expertise With Yoga Teacher Training in Jacksonville, Florida

Yoga Teacher Training in Jacksonville, Florida It does not matter whether you are an experienced yogi with a decade of yoga practice under your belt, or if you have just started your yoga teacher training for the very first time. Both kinds of people will find that they can benefit from yoga teacher training in

Teaching Meditation Courses Offered by the Meditation Institute

Teaching Meditation Courses What is this, and why would I need a Meditation Practitioner / Teacher Certification? Here s what you get: A fully comprehensive, legally recognized Meditation Practitioner / Teacher Certification. All of the information that you need to become a Meditation Practitioner / Teacher is here: ten clearly outlined meditation practices for you