Health hazards of mercury

Many of my patients love fish as I do. It’s a good source of protein, heart-healthy omega-3 fats, and delicious! Living in an area surrounded by water, fresh fish is abundant. However, I would like to share with you an important trap of eating fish too often: mercury (Hg) levels. So far, no cases of

High reps build muscle big time!

If you asked a million bodybuilders / weight trainers, or read thousands of articles on “muscle building”, or if you picked up almost every book written on the fastest way for natural trainers to gain weight quickly (quality weight , of course), 99% of them will tell you that lower reps during sets, 10 reps

Can your migraines go away with orthomolecular medicine?

Quantum Brain Healing addresses the root cause of the migraine problem before recommending the treatment protocol. Root causes of migraines include stress, poor diet, neurotransmitter imbalances, endocrine hormone imbalances, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, imbalances in mineral levels between calcium and magnesium, pineal gland malfunction, field imbalance electromagnetic and emotional trauma. It is possible that a

Tips for healthy eating

Eating healthy helps your mind, body and soul. Your body will begin to appreciate the change in your diet and you will feel much better. Healthy eating is truly the healthiest way to lose weight. In addition, a low-calorie nutritional diet and exercise regimen help control disease and aging. You know the reason we tend

Kettleworx Fitness Program Review

The KettleWorx is a complete home fitness plan based on kettlebell training, used by professional and beginner bodybuilders alike. The Kettlebell comes complete with 10 DVDs and 200 unique exercises that are guaranteed to give you an extraordinary workout and a complete body transformation. With over 12 hours of personalized content and exercise guides, you

Will Coffee Increase Your Metabolism?

For years, coffee is what athletes and ordinary people use to increase performance and improve resistance to fatigue. But will coffee boost your metabolism? The answer is positive, and this effect occurs through several mechanisms. There is a rationale behind including caffeine in many popular fat loss supplements. Caffeine increases the rate at which you

Some tips to lose weight in bed with simple changes

Gaining weight unnecessarily can be a nightmare for many, it will not only affect health, but can also add undue pressure on self-confidence. People tend to try many things to lose weight, but they also tend to forget that lifestyle plays one of the biggest roles in weight gain. In recent times, people tend to

Weight Loss, Exercise, and 5 Ways to Master!

It’s confusing, right? Dieting can be hard to lose weight, but then comes exercise. And you know you have to. If you think you can lose weight without exercising, you are fooling yourself! The question is, what plan? You watch videos … it doesn’t help! You read about it … you can also try reading

How I lost 40 pounds in six weeks!

It was the happiest day of my life! I was running across the airport concourse to catch my plane to a new life: in the Air Force. I felt free and alive for the first time in my life. At first, the Air Force didn’t want me, because I was overweight! But I did it!