Simple ways to extend your smartphone battery life

It’s funny how quickly the most high-tech computer or smartphone can be instantly brought down by something as low-tech as a dead battery. It doesn’t matter how much time you need to be on the phone in your line of work; no one wants to know how it was unavailable because it ran out of

Creating Cuisine in Sayulita on the Riviera Nayarit, Mexico

What does Sayulita in the Riviera Nayarit in Mexico have that continues to attract us? Located just north of Puerto Vallarta, it’s a world away from the “typical” tourist destination. Is it because it’s a sleepy little fishing village with a laid-back, surfer vibe that satisfies our inner child of being free to explore the

Teaching tools that you and your children will enjoy

Children learn a lot in the first few years of life, and we can make a point of making sure they get a solid foundation to build on. However, children also need those early years to explore, be creative, and have fun. VTech toys offer a solution that parents and children can be happy with!

NO Xplode by BSN – Consumed on an empty stomach

I am currently on NO Xplode and notice the label says to take it on an empty stomach…is it okay if I take it with my pre-workout meal which is a protein shake? Ok… I think it’s about time I addressed this problem before it gets out of hand. It is NOT necessary to consume

Preparing your house for the summer

After a long and dreary winter, it’s time to welcome the summers with open arms and joyous spirits. And summers, as we all know, is a time to relax: your wardrobe, furniture, home decor and bring the freshness of the outside world into your homes to better enjoy the season. Here are some tips to

Meet and Exceed Excellence as a Front Desk & Exhibit Clerk

A Ticket and Show Secretary, for any event, is usually the first person that participants will come into contact with. This contact, however, is not where the work begins. Becoming an exceptional Ticket and Show Clerk doesn’t happen overnight; however, through experience and support positions, the path to excellence can be achieved. Occasionally it is

The iPod Guide for Newbies and Not So Newbies

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve at least heard the following terms: “iPod”, “iPod Nano”, “iPod Shuffle”, “mp3 player”, “iTunes”, “podcast”, “ripping” . While you may have heard the terms, you may not be 100% clear on what these terms actually mean. Or, you may have seen people wearing these little devices with