Simple ways to extend your smartphone battery life


It’s funny how quickly the most high-tech computer or smartphone can be instantly brought down by something as low-tech as a dead battery. It doesn’t matter how much time you need to be on the phone in your line of work; no one wants to know how it was unavailable because it ran out of battery. And this is not easy. Smartphone battery life as a topic never seems to be at the top of any manufacturer’s list of things to improve.

But this shouldn’t be taken to mean that you have to take the kind of battery life from the smartphone you’re given, lying down. There are quite a few things you can do to make sure your smartphone battery lasts.

They say that since the iPhone 4s came out, phone carriers have found it particularly difficult to keep up with the kind of Internet browsing these phone owners seem to like. There’s something about the latest iPhone that makes people use data at a higher rate than any other iPhone.

That not only damages a phone operator’s network, but also damages the phone’s battery terribly. Use Wi-Fi, GPS, any type of data connection on your smartphone and quickly drain your battery. If you’re interested in seeing your battery last all day, you’ll need to do something about that phone browsing habit.

One thing you can do to prevent your phone from wasting the power it has, would be to turn off automatic email verification or any other apps you may have on your phone that are designed to go online from time to time just to check to see if there is any mail that has arrived again.

If you have a location sharing app like Google Maps or something like that, be sure to turn that app off as well. Or at least go there and change whatever settings you need to disable GPS. While it might be fun to have these things on all the time, there’s not much point in having a phone that goes to bed at 4pm.

Have you ever noticed how any phone, when it starts to run out of battery power, turns off the screen light at the first chance it gets? There’s a reason every phone will do this out of the box: the lights that illuminate the screen, no matter how small, consume a considerable amount of battery power.

However, you don’t have to wait for the phone to take matters into its own hands when the battery is running low. How about dimming those lights yourself? In this way, you would not waste the charge that your battery has, illuminating your screen all day.

And finally, if your smartphone’s battery life isn’t what it should be, have you considered carrying a spare battery? It’s not a real spare battery you have to carry. What they sell you is a small universal battery that has a USB port. You just need to bring a cable to connect your phone to the USB port and you’re done.

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