Crack The Female Code – What is this pickup artist stuff really about?


Well, a lot of guys think that they are learning how to pick up girls because they are horny or because they want to be cool or impress their friends and/or all of the above. But, but, what is this really about? Well, most of these guys, you guys who read books on pick up, seduction, pick up artist, romance and dating advice for men are surprised when they get further down the road to learning how to meet the girl of your dreams. And it’s really kind of cool!

At the beginning you learn all the lines of the world. Pick up lines, tricks, games and all kinds of cool and/or tricky things and even quite manipulative things to do or say, which I really don’t like… So you learn to open up a conversation, you learn what to say, what to do, how to rotate the body and all that…

Then, over time, he learns that there is actually a game and it’s called “THE GAME!” And then you start to see a part of what’s really going on. And you find that you really don’t like this. And you realize that it was never your game or the boys’ game. You begin to realize, you learn, and you see that “The Game” is a woman’s game, not a boy’s game. In fact, it is you who has to learn his game…

Then you start to get mad because all this time, you always thought it was the guys playing or spitting on the girls and how society makes single men look bad for doing this. However, you know as well as all the girls that if you’re nice and polite and you open the doors and pay for the dinners, you don’t get a girlfriend. Or if you get a girlfriend, she cheats on you with the guy everyone calls the jerk.

Now, it’s the idiots who get all the girls. And that my friends is a fact. And you know it… And then you start getting mad at the jerks, at the girls and at society… I mean, you’re a good guy here. Pay for the dinners, even though she earns almost double what you earn. And you open doors for her even though she has 10 times more social power than you! And after a while you feel like a fool because she has dinner, she kisses you on the cheek, and then she goes out with her friends to meet all the idiots.

And after a few years or more than a few years of this… you realize that you’re the nice guy and it’s her and her and her who do drugs, party, have unprotected sex and sleep around, cheating on you. and much more…

So you get angry! You’ve had it… and that’s where it all begins! You got balls…yeah, you finally say fuck it! I’m done being the good guy! I’m done paying for dinner… She can pay for dinner, you say… And then when she calls you and says, “shall we have dinner?” You say, “NO! I’m done paying for dinner, I’ve already eaten it!” And then she is stunned… what is happening to her little boy? Is she finally going to put her foot down and tell me where to push it? Is she finally getting some balls?

And then you’re like, “I’m sick and tired of paying for dinners and paying for flowers just so you can go off with your friends and have fun without me!” And then it happens… She apologizes… and now you’re shocked… I mean, this is the last thing you’d think would happen… And then, she asks if she can buy you dinner. .. She says: “I will pay!” Now you’re thinking, what the hell is going on? Expect? You mean yell at him and say “NO!” She’s actually being nice to me…

So you go out and she adores you, kisses you, puts your hands together, intertwines her fingers with yours, in public… and doesn’t even notice the waiter who is 6’2″, perfectly fit, athletic/muscular! She is totally focused on you! She then she pays for all the dinner and insists… and inside, you’re looking at her, like, am I in the twilight zone? What the hell is happening here? her being so damn nice to me… why is she working so hard to please me?

So she comes home with you and insists on giving you a full body massage… and you’re like, “wait, every time I ask her for a massage, she turns me down or gets mad or complains or goes off with her friends.” …” “So what’s going on here?” And then it happens…she gives you a blowjob and everything gets hot and heavy from there…she never gives you a blowjob!! She starts making love to you wildly and passionately… She does things I’ve never done before… you’re shocked, you’re in a daze… And then she snuggles with you and clings to you and falls asleep in your arms… And you’re like what the hell is going on?

So you wake up and she has made breakfast, your favorite chocolate pancake with pink stripes… And then you think… hmmm… I think I have to drop the pink stripes… and then you think, what the hell am I? thinking… where did that thought come from? And then you hear a voice from below say: “Your balls!!!” Then she runs out and cleans the kitchen, starts vacuuming and more… Then you realize, “Hey, wait a minute, this is a fucking dream”; until you roll out of bed and stub your toe and scream in pain only to find her running to see if you’re okay…

And then you ask him: “Is everything okay?” “Someone died?” And then she laughs and says, “No, silly!” “Why would you say that?” And then you’re like, “Because you’re actually being nice to me!” “What’s going on?” “Someone got you into this?” “Did you lose a bet?” And then she laughs again and says, “What are you talking about?” “I always treat you like this, you are my honey bear!” And inside you’re saying, “Have you never treated me like this?” Then you go back to bed and start daydreaming and reflecting on the amazing night and morning you just spent with your girlfriend who has never been like this with you…

And then it pops into your head and you’re like, “wait a minute!” “Is he being nice to me because I got mad and yelled at him and said ‘No!’? And then you hear a muffled scream from downstairs and your balls go ‘Yeah, you fucking idiot!’ trying to tell you!” “She wants you to be the man and put your fucking foot down already!” “Damn fool!” So you sit there and you’re on fire thinking: getting hot girls?” “Is this the secret to getting what you want out of a relationship?” “Really?” “Shit!” “I have to try this!”

So you think you’ve been the good guy your whole life… and it never worked out… to the point where you spent every penny, opened every door, said “Sorry, sorry, etc.” and you never lay down or just once in a while and then she’d run off or walk away… So you’re like, “Wow! ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ “I’m done being Mr. Good Boy!” And you’re off to a world of saying, “NO!” “NO!” “NO!” And you find your magic power. You stopped letting people use you or make fun of you! You stopped putting up with rude people. You stopped letting people step on your toes and screw you over! You’ve had it and you can’t put up with people’s bullshit anymore!

You start getting up and leaving friends’ dinners, lunches and parties… And suddenly people start to respect you and treat you better! And the girls are all over you and want to be with you and win your heart… Now they treat you better and want you to marry them! Now you’re the guy everyone else envy!

And then one day it hits you! You’ve become the idiot… except, wait a minute! You’re not a jerk at all…just have limits and respect for yourself and don’t let women take advantage of you! Do you make her carry the weight of her in the relationship now or you leave! And she knows it now and she respects you for it!

wow! What a revelation… who would have thought that having self-respect is what it’s all about!

Yes my friends, this is all about respecting yourself and having firm boundaries!

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