What is the number 9 reason why you can’t find love?

Legal Law

The number 9 is hard to escape because we all engage in this activity. In fact, we are taught to use this ability even if it works against us. We all judge and evaluate others to protect ourselves or to find pleasure. The problem is that you can only judge the extinct that your environment allows you to judge. In other words, you can only see what your environment taught you to see.

If your environment was dangerous, you may be afraid of most things, even if you disguise that fear as harshness. If your environment taught you that everything is difficult, you will look for difficulties in everything, even in relationships. When you find yourself in a relationship that isn’t difficult, you may become suspicious and start looking for trouble. That in itself can cause problems. Instead of enjoying yourself, you are being paranoid. When paranoid behavior causes problems, you’ll be relieved to have found one. While that mindset sounds crazy, it happens every day.

Imagine trying to judge something you’ve never seen or heard of. You can only evaluate it by comparing it to something similar. This is what happens every time you meet someone new. And that’s why people misjudge each other so often.

There was an interesting study. A group of psychologists and sociologists wanted to show that men are more superficial than women.

What I’m really saying is that your judgment is based on what you already know. There are so many things that you don’t know that judging is a waste of time. It is much better to discover than to judge. Discovery allows you to explore things you haven’t found in your environment.

For the record, your family is an environment. Your neighborhood is different. Your school, media and books are another. Your country is an environment and so is planet earth. Be honest about the limits of all settings. That might help you be less critical.

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