The Power of Believing: The Key to Motivation


One word separates the winners from the losers, belief. You can attend all the seminars, read all the books, write down your goals and it will all be for nothing unless you believe. Only when you truly believe will you achieve your goals in life, and that is the key to motivation in management, sales, or any career.

The importance of belief

Someone once said that there is magic in believing. But belief is not magic, it is powerful. The New Testament mentions the words “faith” or “believe” 485 times. The two words mean essentially the same thing. If God places such importance on belief, shouldn’t we? The mountains can be moved if you have it. Daily problems become formidable barriers if you lose it.

Dr. Jonas Salk believed that it could help cure polio. President Franklin D. Roosevelt believed that the only thing we had to fear was fear itself. Martin Luther King believed in a dream of racial equality. President John F. Kennedy believed that we could put a man on the moon. Anne Sullivan believed and set an example of faith and determination for all of us to follow. The Wright brothers believed that people could fly. People who believe have a goal, a faith in something bigger than themselves, as well as a strong belief in who they are.

Through the power of believing in yourself, your goals, other people, a company, or a cause, you will live a life filled with excitement. People without beliefs get frustrated most of the time. People who believe are more than motivated. They are inspired. People without faith lack the power to become all they can be.

The definition of belief

What does it mean to believe? If you believe, Really you believe, mentally accept or trust yourself, someone or something without reason or evidence. That is the key to the power to believe. A college degree, a large income, a fancy house, nice clothes, compliments, awards, or past successes are not what make you believe in yourself. First, you believe and then these things can follow. Believing comes from within and begins with your thinking. Everything else is evidence. The Bible says, “What you believe in very much will come upon you.”

If you’re thinking more about why things aren’t working and less about your goal, guess what’s probably going to happen? Believers are not overly concerned with the reasons for or against an idea. They act and get results.

Believe big!

Life is too short to be content with mediocrity. However, ask 100 people what they want in life and 95 will tell you what they don’t want. Thoreau concluded: “Most people lead lives of quiet despair.” Only a few know what they want in life and dare to believe in the possibilities. Only a handful believe big.

Most people don’t believe in themselves and don’t have dreams. Most people do not believe and do not take risks. Most people don’t believe and do enough to get by. Most people don’t believe and all they see is failure. How is belief built? It’s obvious, isn’t it? Do what most people don’t. Believe in yourself enough to put yourself in situations that help you learn and experience what you need to start living the life you want.

Believe that you are here for a special reason. Accept that you have an important purpose. Believe that you are unique, live that way and extraordinary things will happen in your life. You will become what you were meant to be. And you will have an inner reserve to cope with life’s ups and downs.

Truly, your belief will cause the deed. Frank Lloyd Wright said: “Do not make small plans; they have no power to move the hearts of men. Unless your proposals are bold, they will be ineffective.”

Strange as it may seem…

A Chinese fable tells of an old man who had to cross a hill every day. Each day, he took a stone in each hand from the top of the hill to the bottom. When asked why, he said, “I am moving this hill. Not in my life or my son’s life, but in time this hill will go away.” Believers have this same attitude. Their belief helps them achieve a goal, dream, or purpose before it actually happens. It stimulates them despite life’s inevitable obstacles.

Moses believed and the Red Sea parted. George Washington believed and his army survived Valley Forge and won a war. Abe Lincoln believed and saved a divided nation. Gandhi believed and a country gained independence without violence. Michael Phelps believed and won eight gold medals at the 2008 Beijing Olympics. History shines with the accounts of believers. It’s a funny thing about belief: it tends to rub off on others. By believing in yourself, you will have a powerful and positive effect on your family, coworkers, and friends.

Most people say that seeing is believing. But it doesn’t work that way. Author Bob Conklin recorded many years ago that the key to motivation is the power to believe. Ask any achiever how he does it, and he’ll just say:

  • I believe in myself or in my team.
  • I believe in my goals

First they believed and then things happened. It has been stated that nothing will take someone to unprecedented heights faster than the unwavering belief that they can do it.

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