Theater Seat Cleaning

One thing you know for sure is that theater seats will need to be cleaned regularly. You will most likely need to do a daily cleaning of these pieces of furniture and then a weekly deep cleaning to keep them looking good and smelling good. Popcorn oil, spilled soda, chewing gum, and all the other

Management Skills – How to Deal with Attitude Problems

Some managers think that their employees’ attitude problems cannot be measured and therefore there is nothing that can be done. Wrong! Once you’ve renamed those issues professional behaviors, you can define them, measure them, include them in job descriptions, and even fire people with them. You know the employees I’m referring to. Some may be

Useful Housewarming Gifts That Spark Joy

Housewarming gifts have always been an integral part of our lives. You always remember a thoughtful and memorable gift, and you also hold the person in high regard. Naturally, you’ll want to do the same with his friends, family, or colleagues. Deciding on a housewarming gift option has often been equated with days of stress

Jamaican cuisine

Jamaica is known for its inland Blue Mountain and narrow coastal plain that includes the island’s beautiful beaches. In addition, fresh fruits, fish and seafood are very abundant on the island due to the tropical climate and the gift of the ocean. Therefore, many people from other countries become frequent visitors to tour and experience

Greetings from the island of misfits

I did not name this place; my family did before I ever set foot in Piney Woods in Deep East Texas. Most of the residents have hooves and go about their days in peace. Some, including me, are here to heal. This property consists of just under 30 acres about 15 miles outside of Nacogdoches,

Why you should buy a vacation home in Florida

Florida is one of the most popular vacation spots in the country, welcoming millions of tourists each year. While there are several reasonable lodging options available throughout the state, there are some good reasons to purchase your own vacation home in Florida. Excellent weather Florida is the Sunshine State and not for nothing. It boasts

Fitbit, fun, forensics and enemies

Did you track your 10,000 steps today? Has anyone else tracked them down? Fitness trackers are big business, helping people get and stay fit and helping them share their progress with friends and sometimes strangers. Probably the best known of these devices (and apps) are FitBit and the Apple Watch bundled apps, but they also

Final Fantasy 3 – When the magic disappeared forever

Long ago, evil beings created powerful creatures called Espers and unleashed them on each other. The resulting battles left their world a smoking rubble. Legend has it that the Espers destroyed themselves and most of humanity. The magic was gone forever. Centuries have passed and a rational world now exists with Espers living only in