What is real estate title insurance?

What is title insurance? If you’re refinancing your home or trying to buy a new home, the term Title Insurance will come up at some point. An incredible number of people have no idea what title insurance is, but they buy it every day. Simply put, title insurance is a policy that limits the risk

Tricks to keep your house cool (without air conditioning)

With the arrival of summer, the heat settles in our homes and becomes hell. Although it is tempting and very comfortable, there are tricks to save money with air conditioning, but let’s face it: it is not the cheapest way to maintain your home. Cold. On days of suffocating heat, where you feel anguished in

Secret Formula Webinar Review – Pizza Box Formula Exposed

Read my secret formula webinar review if you’re thinking of joining this top-tier program, also known as the pizza box formula. Developed by online marketing expert Rob Stinson, this system has a lot of people sitting up and saying “this could really work.” I am not a member of this program, just an interested observer.

Monkey Business: Is a Monkey the Right Pet for You?

Dirty game… As a young teenager living on the west coast of Florida, I was like a fish out of water. I moved there from New York with my parents. There were a lot of things that took a bit of getting used to and I wasn’t a fan of the heat or bugs. Whoever

How the ketogenic diet works in weight loss

Ketogenic diets force the body into a state called ketosis. The body generally uses carbohydrates as its main source of energy. This is due to the fact that carbohydrates are the easiest for the body to absorb. However, if the body runs out of carbohydrates, it reverts to using fat and protein for energy production.

The main myths of traffic tickets

Officers will not appear in court around a holidayMany people believe that if you schedule a court date before or after a holiday, the officer is less likely to show up. Once you have entered a “not guilty” plea and have scheduled your case for trial, the court issues a summons ordering the officer to

Book Review: Can You Make a Pet Desert Tortoise?

The desert tortoise is an endangered species in California, so you’re not supposed to keep them as pets, but if they wander onto your property or dig under the fence to find shade and food, or build a home by digging under the garden, you are not allowed to move them, unless you call a