Job Interview Tips: The Top 3 Questions You’ll Be Asked And How To Answer Them


I have participated in many job interviews and I think I have learned that no two are the same. Some interviewers will ask set questions from a pre-approved list, while others shoot from the hip and have more of a “get to know you” style. No matter who you interview or the style of the interview, being prepared will always make the interview better. I’ve put together my top 3 interview questions and top tips for answering them and making sure you get hired.

What interests you about our company/work?

This question, or one similar to it, is likely to come up in most job interviews. The interviewer wants to know that you are genuinely interested in the job you are applying for and not just trying to “get any job.”

Take time before the interview to research the company and identify 2-3 things that really interest you. These should be more about the purpose of the business plus the physical things like “you have a daycare on site” or “you are close to my house”. If asked specifically about the position, please note how it is similar to or different from your current position and how you like 2-3 aspects of the job.

* Tips: Check the company’s website and look for their “Mission Statement.” If they have one, it will give you a look at their core values. Try to relate your answer to your mission statement.

What is your greatest weakness?

Several years ago this was a very popular question and is still used in some settings today. There is no right answer, but there are many wrong answers. Avoid trying to turn a positive into a negative like “I’m too dedicated to the projects I’m assigned” or, as Barack Obama said, “I’m too awesome.”

I like to point out a “past” weakness and then talk about the steps you’ve taken to overcome this problem. “I used to have a hard time expressing my opinion when working in teams, but in recent years I’ve learned how important my opinion is. I’ve learned by listening to others’ ideas and providing constructive feedback on their ideas, it opens me up to present my point of view.” view at the same time. It has worked very well.”

What kind of salary do you need?

This question is one of the most difficult to answer. You feel pressure to provide an answer, but you are very worried (and rightly so) that you will undersell or ask for too much.

Take this question and turn it around on them. “If I’m lucky enough to be offered a position, I’m sure we’ll be able to agree on a suitable salary. I’d also like some information about your benefits package, such as your healthcare premium and if there’s a match to the 401k you provide.” . Then ask them “What is the salary range for this position.” Often by asking them back, you will get them to give you what they expect to pay for.

When you’re in an interview, the most important thing to remember is, above all else, to stay positive. Do not speak ill of your current or past jobs. Don’t point out all the crazy things your current boss does. Don’t talk about how you’ve gone to 12 job interviews and still haven’t been made an offer. Stay positive and be prepared.

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