Fast Ivy League Admission Tips

The Ivy League is an athletic union of American educational institutes based in the northeastern United States, including Harvard, Yale, and Columbia University. Many people mistakenly believe that MIT and Stanford are members of this union. While we refer to these institutes in this article, they are not. There are a number of factors that

South Housing Floor Plans: The New Book’s Theme

The Southern Architecture Foundation has published a major new book of southern housing floor plans. Illustrated southern architecture (ISBN: 0-932958-23-0) is a compendium of more than two hundred and fifty photographs, illustrating more than one hundred residential designs and forty-two floor plans. This invaluable design volume was originally published by the Harman Publishing Company of

How much force can our bones withstand before breaking?

You have always known that your bones are the strongest part of your body. Because they are designed to give your body structure, to maintain your posture, and to protect your internal organs, your bones must maintain their strength at all times. Of course, you cannot prevent unexpected external circumstances from damaging your bones. But,

A brief history of the American felony homicide rule

THE PENNSYLVANIA MURDER RATING STATUS After our American independence, several of the new states initiated legislative reforms to codify the crime of murder. One of the first states to do so was Pennsylvania. In 1794, that state enacted a homicide grade statute that divided murder into capital murder in the first degree and murder in

A perfect day to dissect JD Salinger’s banana fish

JD Salinger’s classic 1951 tale, “A Perfect Day for the Banana Fish,” features Salinger’s favorite character, Seymour Glass, only to be killed several pages later. The story begins in an elegant hotel room by the sea, where we hear Glass’s wife on the phone with her mother discussing Seymour’s mental health. From there, we head

Yea Mon – Jamaican Cuisine

Jamaican cuisine is definitely unique and quite tasty, bringing with it a mix of the island’s local harvest and spices. The island’s food is represented by the Jamaican motto, “Of many, one people.” Jamaicans hail from all over the world, including the British, Dutch, French, Spanish, East Indians, West Africans, Portuguese and Chinese, who brought

10 end of summer activities

Rock legend Alice Cooper recalled the joy of the last day of school in the band’s ubiquitous 1972 hit “School’s Out.” With no school to fill the youth’s final weeks or summer days, it’s up to parents to figure out how to keep them busy and out of trouble. Start planning now to stretch your

The Seven Elements of a Successful Hypnosis Practice

I was once asked, “What are the most important things about being a professional counselor?” I realized that it wasn’t about room decor or billing practices. The question got right to the heart of communication and trust between client and counselor. During the more than twenty years that I have been a hypnotherapist, I have