Who owns a Facebook group or forum?

As more and more engagement occurs online and even “older folks” are joining Facebook in droves; the biggest current growth in the giant of social networks corresponds to the groups of more than 55 years; we find more and more participation. Which, after all, is the goal of these portals. Let’s be honest, compromise is

50 cliches to live

Everybody says remove cliches from your writing – they get overused and knocked down. However, cliches are popular for a reason: they contain a lot of truth and wisdom. Good writing is original and does not include cliches, but you can live well by following these fifty cliches. Here are 50 wise cliches to live

How to flirt with your pants, literally

Don’t you hate it when your best friend goes to the Chinese grocery store two blocks away or the basement apartment laundry and half an hour later comes up with three phone numbers and a dinner date with a sexy guy when they get signs of “Not interested” even from the guys you would normally

Hooray for the Federal Rules of Evidence!

The Federal Rules of Evidence used in the federal courts of the United States and adopted by many states and the military are the codification of many years of common law rules of evidence. The development of modern rules of evidence has been a process of nothing more than putting old wine into new bottles.

Examples of dirty conversations

So, you want to talk dirty, right? The most important part is getting comfortable with it. The more comfortable we are talking dirty with our partner, the more intimate it becomes and with that your inhibitions will drop. Talking dirty is like a secret with your partner, a secret that only the two of you


Murders of the first, second and third degree What are the differences? What are the differences between the three categories of murder known as first, second, and third degree? I decided to do some research because there are cases in the United States where someone did not even kill anyone, but was guilty of murder