What are vinyl weights and what are they made of?

Most powerlifters and bodybuilders use various types of weights, such as cast iron weights, chrome weights, and vinyl weights. Although the main purpose of all these weights is to allow the bodybuilder to do extensive training to build his body stronger and fitter, still they are different from each other in shape, style, appearance and

Ayurveda, Ayurvedic medicines and important herbs

What is Ayurveda and its importance? Ayurveda is a traditional holistic healing. Translated from Sanskrit, Ayurveda means “the science of life.” ayur means “life” and veda means “science”. Indian system that relies heavily on the support of plants to form an important part of its medicine. Most of the herbs, spices, seeds, roots, leaves, stems,

Bowflex Max Elliptical – 5 Benefits You May Not Know

The Bowflex Max Elliptical is a very popular hybrid elliptical-stair-stepper machine. It’s extremely popular right now – the main benefit being that it can help you burn 2.5 times more calories than a regular elliptical. But the Max elliptical also has other benefits that most people don’t even realize. So with that in mind, here

Bowflex Max Alternatives: Elliptical Alternatives to the Bowflex Max Trainer

Looking for an alternative to the Bowflex Max machine? The Bowflex Max Trainer is a hybrid stair-climbing elliptical machine that combines lower-body climbing movements with upper-body elliptical arm bars for a full-body workout. The Max is great for HIIT (or high-intensity interval training) workouts, and according to the manufacturer, you can burn up to 2.5

5 tips to lose belly fat over the weekend

Sick and tired of gaining belly fat on the weekend? Discover these 5 simple tips to burn calories and avoid bingeing on the weekend. Another weekend, another 2-3 pounds of fat? No way. It doesn’t have to work like that. Here are 5 “real life” tips for simply saying “NO” to weight gain. Find out

3 effective tips to help your child gain weight

If your child is thin or has a slight build, it doesn’t mean they are underweight. But if so, she’ll need her help and guidance so he can achieve a healthy weight. It is ideal to talk to your child about her goal and let her know that she is going to need her cooperation.

The five best yoga poses help you fight obesity

Yoga is considered an amazing practice to achieve spiritual enlightenment. But did you know that Yoga is also a great physical exercise? What the experts say is that Hatha Yoga or the physical aspect of yoga consists of specific body postures or alignment exercises that help a person achieve the physical condition necessary to achieve