The Notebook (film review)

Adapted to the screen from the Nicholas Sparks novel of the same name, The Notebook is one of the best romantic dramas to hit the big screen in decades. Earning high marks from a wide range of critics, The Notebook is a fun and emotional film about love, relationships, and the risks people take. James

How to make the baby fall asleep quickly

Are you a new parent who is fed up with the sleepless nights that accompany your parenting journey? Are you desperately looking for ways to make the baby sleep? Does the idea of ​​the night terrify you? These are common feelings parents feel when their little bundle of joy refuses to sleep. We get it,

Should you stop trading during COVID-19?

The impact of coronavirus on small businesses As a human being, I am sure that you have been affected by COVID-19 (also known as novel coronavirus) in some way. Whether that means worrying about aging parents, changing travel plans, or stocking up on work-from-home essentials for the foreseeable future, it’s hard not to feel the

Celebrity Bag Trends for the 2009 Season

How can a girl keep up with the latest bag trends for the 2009 season? It depends, of course, on whether we are talking about the summer or winter season. It also largely depends on what the stars and celebrities are wearing. Why? Because divas and celebrities know what to wear and, depending on the

Celebrities in Los Angeles

While in Los Angeles, California, you may be lucky enough to see a celebrity, but you have to be looking for them. You may see a movie star, an athlete, or even a famous musician. There are many steps to take if you are going to search for celebrities. First of all, a fun place

Things to know before embarking on your first cruise

Until you experience a cruise, you won’t really understand what a unique way to travel and vacation it is. If you’re going on a cruise for the first time, it’s best to do some reading on the subject and ask an experienced cruiser for advice on what preparations to make. Here are some things you

Calling Cthulhu, a silly horror story

“Wow man! Cool colors!” “Yes, well, I had to prepare the temple.” “How did your parents react when you painted your room like this?” “Dad was baffled. Mom was happy, of course, that the walls and ceiling weren’t black anymore. She thinks I’m in love and ocean green is the color of my love. Or

Moving through the grievance – What is normal?

Do you feel like something is wrong with you because of the way the death of your loved one is affecting you? Are those around you implying that you have to “control yourself” or that you should be getting over it? Don’t let your feelings of isolation increase because of their lack of understanding. Almost

Among us

Angel sightings have been said to come from or appear in and around many places around the world. In all shapes and sizes, a flood of sightings have been reported as “Spirits of light, light and airy, or as spirit helpers in the flesh: mysterious strangers,” writes Michael H. Brown, in his book “The Trumpet