Achu, Achu- "Health"

Tours Travel

What is the usual reaction of most people when someone sneezes? What is the normal response? Most people respond with “cheers” and few respond with gesundheit. In Spanish people respond with “salud” which means “health”. Why do people respond this way? Do they teach us this in school? Is it unethical or rude not to respond with “cheers” when someone sneezes?

How about saying “oh my gosh”? Is that another habit that a lot of people have? They use it as a form of expression. What does that mean? Instead of using God’s name in vain, why not just say “Oh my Hyrum”? “Oh my Billy”? or “Oh my (your name)”?

Are there certain habits, both verbal and physical, that are of no use to us? Are there certain habits that prevent us from reaching our full potential? To achieve that kind of love that you might be looking for. To achieve the kind of income you would like to have? To live the lifestyle you want to live?

Our goals cannot be bigger than our clothes. I can’t hope to become a billionaire without having billionaire habits to go with it. I can’t expect to lose weight without having the clothes that should accompany such a goal. There can be a lot of clothes that we have that are not serving us any good, or that have no purpose or meaning behind them. If you analyze your life, you will realize that you are the direct result of your habits, or the lack thereof.

We all have habits that do not serve us, or that do not bring us closer to achieving the desired result. What are we going to do with those clothes? We need to replace them, or get rid of them all together. What do you do when you have a small stone in your shoe? You stop walking and take it out. The same goes for clothes that don’t fit us. We have to get rid of them.

If your goal is to become a Physician, you had better have the habits that lead to such a profession. If you spend all your time playing video games (good or bad habit? You be the judge), then wanting to be a doctor is just that, a WISH. You cannot wish to be something for which you are not willing to pay the price; and the way he pays the price is by being disciplined enough to have proper clothing to go along with that goal.

Write the goals you have for this year or for your life. Next to these goals, write down the obstacles that are likely to prevent you from reaching those goals and make plans to get around them and not quit (read my “Don’t Quit” article). Next, write down the habits or actions that need to be taken on a daily, weekly, and yearly level to achieve the desired goals. One of the reasons most people set goals and never reach them is because of habits that control them. Change your habits and thoughts and you will change the result.

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