3 Big Disadvantages of Hydrogen Fuel Cells


Hydrogen fuel cells are the wave of the future. At least that’s what many would have you believe. They are right because a hydrogen fuel cell is a novel way to power a car. The car would not require gasoline, it would run on hydrogen and its only waste would be water, a natural and safe emission. However, it is not a perfect science by any means and too often all the great advantages are talked about without discussing the disadvantages of hydrogen fuel cells.

With anything, there will be drawbacks. If it was such a perfect technology, don’t you think every car would have one by now? In addition to being expensive, the hydrogen fuel cell creates certain problems that have yet to be fully addressed.

These are the three main disadvantages of hydrogen fuel cells:

1. It’s big and cumbersome. Your gas tank already uses up a good chunk of your car, but a hydrogen fuel cell will be three times the size of a gas tank. But that is not all. The fuel cell has to be isolated to keep it safe and secure.

2. Security issues. Liquid hydrogen has the ability to freeze air. There have also been reports of accidents involving the fuel cell itself. Sometimes a valve becomes clogged when there is too much pressure in the cell. The only place to go is outside, and the cell explodes. There is still no way to know if this problem can be fixed, but there are many working on it. In a car accident, the tank could rupture, but the good news is that the hydrogen will quickly evaporate. However, it is a more serious condition in an enclosed area such as a garage.

3. Hydrogen evaporates. Strange but true. Isolation is not a perfect process, and hydrogen evaporates out of the cell at about 1.7 percent per day. This means that eventually the cars will need a fill-up. That? Did you think you would never have to use a bomb again? The other problem with this is that gas stations don’t sell hydrogen. You’ll have to find a custom service station or arrange something with the car manufacturer. Cars that are mixes of fuel cells and gasoline will never have to worry about being stranded.

General Motors Co. currently has the Chevy Equinox Fuel Cell, one of the first fuel cell vehicles of its kind. If you are considering purchasing such a vehicle, discuss the disadvantages of hydrogen fuel cells with the manufacturer. Having the technology, they are aware of the dangers of hydrogen fuel cells and have started working to improve them.

The good news is that auto companies are working to make this a safer environment by creating fewer emissions, and the more we learn about alternative methods, the better Earth will be for it. Just don’t go blindly in one direction without asking questions. Learn about the disadvantages of hydrogen fuel cells before agreeing to use them.

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