Youth Fastpitch Softball Bunt Coverage

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To be a strong defensive fastpitch softball team, your team must be well trained in fastpitch softball bunt coverage. This article will discuss the standard scheme that works best for your base defense. More than other softball skills, practice and repetition will be paramount in executing bunt coverage, as this play requires an inordinate amount of team chemistry.

The typical layout of his defensive unit should have the first baseman playing home about 3-5 feet away. The second baseman and shortstop should be positioned somewhere behind the baseline (depending on age and level of competition). The third baseman should be positioned 10 to 12 feet inside the bag toward home plate. This base positioning dictates that the third baseman, first baseman, pitcher, and catcher are the four players in position to field the ball. The ideal player to field the ball is the third baseman. She should be the General on the field on bunt coverage plays, as she is the player moving into the play at first base and should have the best vision of the entire play. As she carries the ball, she needs to decide who will field the ball. How many times have we seen 2 or more players converge on the ball and think the other player will make the play only to make no play at all? too many! The 3rd baseman should be carrying the ball and calling the position of the player who is in the best position to make the play.

Probably the hardest bunt to field is the ball placed about 6 feet in front of home plate and down the first base line. This is a great example where team chemistry will come into play. The third baseman will have to quickly assess who has the better game with the ball. Generally, the catcher would be the preferred choice since his momentum is directed toward first base; however, he may have been slow to get out of his position.

Softball Bunt Coverage – No Base Runners

With no runners on base, the first, the pitcher, the catcher and the third are going to hit the ball. The 2nd baseman has the responsibility to cover 1st base and receive the pitch. The right fielder should take an angle about 20 to 30 feet behind first base and close to the free throw line to mop up any missed throws. It is critical that the right fielder maintain a safe distance behind 1st base, otherwise the missed throw to 1st base could well end up in the right field corner for a home run. The center fielder must take an angle to get behind the right fielder to help recover a missed throw. The shortstop must go to second base in the event of an error at first base. The left fielder must take an angle to get behind the shortstop.

Softball Bunt Coverage – Runner on 1st Base

TAKE THE OUT AT 1ST BASE!!! Don’t even consider going down the lead runner and trying to get the out at second base. It’s fool’s gold and you’d be lucky to make that game 10% of the time. All player positioning is the same except for shortstop and left fielder. This is the MOST DISCIPLINED PLAY the shortstop will ever make. Her instinct is to cover 2nd base for a steal, however if she does and the bunt is put into play, it will become a foot race between her and the runner to get to 3rd base (if the runner on 1st sees shortstop at 2nd, she continues to run to 3rd knowing it’s going to be a very tough play for the shortstop to run from 2nd to 3rd and be in position to catch and bunt). To play this correctly, get the shortstop 5 feet closer to second base so he is in position to cover the steal without having to go to the base before knowing if the ball was successfully bunted. If the ball is untagged, it covers second base for the steal. If the ball is successfully bunted, it covers 3rd base. He also can’t cheat to cover third base, or if the runner on first is stealing, the shortstop will be out of position to make the throw. The left fielder will take an angle about 20 to 30 feet behind 3rd base and at the left field foul line to back up a missed throw.

Softball Bunt Coverage – Runners on 1st and 2nd Base

Again, GET THE OUT AT 1ST BASE!!! Depending on the age and skill level of your team, it is possible for the lead runner to make it to 3rd base. If the bunt is too short for the catcher to make a quick play, or if the bunt is too strong and the pitcher or first baseman can make a quick play, it MIGHT be possible to get the runner out at third base. However, the odds are certainly not in your favor, and if the play is unsuccessful, the result is the bases loaded. The coverage on this play is the same as the coverage for a runner in 1st base coverage. The noted exception is that the right fielder needs to know that on a takedown he must be prepared to throw the ball home. Also, the left fielder should take his backup position behind 3rd base in case the play is attempted at 3rd base.

Softball Bunt Coverage – Bases Loaded

The unique thing about this play is that the first baseman or catcher must decide where to throw the ball. The third baseman and pitcher have a much harder time knowing how close the runner is to home plate. Also unique to this play is that the receiver needs more discipline. He must immediately determine if another fielder can play the ball and pass it to him to force out at home plate. If this is the case, he needs to take the first base position at the plate and be ready to catch the pitch and then throw to first base for a double play. He must also determine if she is the only player who can make a play with the ball and get the out at home plate or at first base. This is a pressure play on defense, but with enough practice you should be able to make the play at home fairly routinely. If there is ever ANY DOUBT about making the out at home, fielders should get the out at first base.

Softball Bunt Coverage – Look for the Double Play

When the runners are on base and the tag is on, this is an ideal time to look for the double play. Typically, runners, especially a lagging runner, will take big starts when bunt is on. Train your players to react to a touch that appears in the air. The easiest runner to double is usually a runner on first base. He catches the pop up and shoots the ball to first base to force out. The lead runner is usually in a good enough position to be able to return to her base safely, however, she is probably out of position to advance when you throw to 1st for the double play.

Softball Bunt Coverage – Take the Out

Almost without exception, his team is much better at getting the out at first base. Considering the difficulty of getting the lead runner and the position you’re left in if the play isn’t successful, going after the lead runner is almost never worth the risk. I’d say the only time getting the lead runner is imperative is when the game-winning run is on third base. Even if it’s the tying run of the game at 3rd base, I’d seriously consider getting the out at 1st base and allowing the runner on 3rd to score. If you seek out at home and are unsuccessful, you have allowed the game to be tied and allowed the winning run on base or advancing the bases without getting an out. As a coach, you’re finding a way to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, and that’s not good.

Remember that the key to having a successful fastpitch defense is to make a very high percentage of easy outs. You should avoid giving up big tickets to your opponent. In fastpitch softball, a big offensive tackle can easily decide the game. If you repeatedly play for the lead runner, you will consistently leave big innings. Also, if you can’t close out your opponents’ tag game, you don’t have much of a chance of winning. In another article on this site, I tell the story of bunting 10 batters in a row in one inning. Trust me, you don’t want to be the team that sees 10 touches in a row. That means your team can’t cover the bunt and you can’t win the game. For the best way to practice your softball bunting coverage scheme, check out The Bunting Game article located at

Now, go find them coach!

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