Workplace Harassment


Workplace bullying affects Americans on a daily basis. Sexual harassment often gets the most attention, but there are other forms of harassment that can cause the same offense in the workplace. These other forms include harassment based on: ethnicity or race, age, disability, or religious affiliation. Harassment harms both employees and the company. When an employee feels uncomfortable or suffers difficulties, production can decrease and the company in general suffers. Harassment also breeds resentment and bitterness among employees. With workplace violence on the rise, management must be keen to prevent any ill will among workers.

This can include teasing a co-worker for being “young and stupid.” Or for older employees, jokes about being “as old as dirt” can be hurtful. Jokes from Catholic priests or rabbis can be offensive to those who practice their respective religions. Jokes that play on stereotypes are forms of bullying. Harassment is not your supervisor being harsh with you for failing to meet expressed expectations, unless your supervisor treats you differently from other people who have also failed to meet expectations.

These other forms of harassment are often more difficult to prove. If a person feels harassed and trusts a supervisor, they may ultimately be placed in a “he said/she said” situation where there may be no going back. If the harasser is a particular favorite of management, he may cost the accusing employee her position or job.

For this reason, an employee facing this form of confrontation should consider finding evidence before going to any superior. There are a variety of tools and methods available to catch the stalker in the act. Voice recorders can be carried in pockets or purses. Hidden cameras can be attached to neckties or worn on jackets.

Another reason these forms of bullying are so common may be simple ignorance. Perhaps the employee or employees in the workplace do not know that they are really offensive. Oftentimes, they may think they’re just kidding around and really don’t know how hurtful they are.

There are a variety of training programs available that teach sensitivity to ethnic, cultural, and religious differences if management wishes to start an awareness program. This can eliminate many future workplace harassment claims.

A calm work environment can be a beneficial addition to any company. If your human resources department or supervisor doesn’t address the issue head-on, especially if you have evidence, consult an attorney who specializes in workplace harassment.

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