Why race with your camera when you can roll around on the AirWheel Self-Balance Electric Unicycle?

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Filming a moving object can be a tedious task, especially if you are a cinematographer who values ​​perfection in your projects. The same goes for video recording and visual effects treatment. A shaky shot can be low quality and can even become dangerous when you run around with the camera. In addition to getting shaky shots, you could end up tripping and injuring yourself or damaging an expensive camera.

A new product being noticed by many photographers is the self-balancing electric scooter called the AirWheel. Its self-balancing function makes it possible to photograph running people or moving objects without having to run after it.

What is the air wheel?

AirWheel is an electric unicycle. It is designed using the gyroscope mechanism and it is this feature that allows it to maintain balance. In fact, it has started to gain popularity around the world as a commuting transporter. Battery operated; a single charge lasts up to seven miles, after which it will need to be recharged. It’s much more like a bicycle, only you don’t need to use your arms or pedal to steer. The unicycle is controlled by simply leaning the body back and forth, depending on the direction the rider wants to go. The hands-free operation makes it very reliable when it comes to using a camera.

using the unicycle

Although getting this electric unicycle rolling is quite simple, you’d better use training wheels in the beginning when you’re just learning. To move forward after turning on the unicycles and stepping on the side pedals, you will need to lean forward. To go back, all you have to do is lean back. Balancing to the right or left is done in the same way as you would on a bicycle. Balance is most important when moving at a slow pace or standing still on the electric unicycle. If you know how to use a skateboard, you should have an easy time learning the balancing act on the electric scooter.

Aside from the training wheels that will help prevent side wobble, you can use the strap that comes with this unicycle. The safety leash allows you to stay in control even when you need to jump out of it. You can use a 3-axis camera gimbal amazingly well on the self-balancing unicycle.

Buying your AirWheel

You will find different series of unicycles with the main differences being stability and agility. For example, the X series has a single wheel that offers more agility, but less stability, while the Q series has twin wheels for greater stability and ease of control. There is also the S series which is larger and has two wheels making it the most stable with the least amount of learning effort as it has a handlebar and a standing platform. Make all the considerations before making your electric scooter purchase to get the best for your needs.

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