Why is Easter too commercial?


Traditionally, Easter is about celebrating the life of Jesus Christ and his resurrection on Easter Sunday after being crucified on Good Friday. Today, however, the meaning has been obscured behind the sheer number of Easter eggs and activities that people have access to and have put pressure on. This is not to say that Easter eggs are bad in any way, but for them to become so popular the true Christian meaning had to take a backseat, resulting in many people not realizing what the Easter means for Christians every year.

Today, Easter has become all about the Easter Bunny and the chocolate eggs he leaves for the kids to find. This is why so many people will attend or go on the Easter Egg Hunt, keeping the Easter Bunny alive in their children’s minds for a little while longer. These hunts are great for bringing people together and allowing them to have a good time on Easter Sunday. Adults will not be oblivious to the true meaning of Easter, it is simply that some do not believe it and consequently their children will not either, unless a family member manages to drag them to church.

Churches will always hold special services on Easter Sunday, making them more accessible to those who are simply visiting or only come because a family member asked them to. At these services, the preacher will talk about the true meaning of Easter and make sure everyone has a good understanding of what it is all about before leaving, which means that there will be nothing emotionally or spiritually heavy for people to go through. , unless they want to. . The children’s work in these services is always fantastic, as volunteers will provide them with lots of chocolate to eat, clever things to do, and tell them about the Easter story through a quick activity designed for them to learn.

Taking the kids to church on Easter Sunday, even if you don’t believe in Christianity, is good for kids to understand what Easter is celebrated and what it really means to Christians. Teachers are increasingly restricted in what they can teach children about any religion, subsequently creating a spiritually ignorant generation. This only helps boost the power that marketing has during Easter, and while it’s not necessarily bad, it’s not good either.

In conclusion, Easter became a commercial holiday because companies wanted to promote their chocolate products. These may be overpriced, depending on the brand being purchased, but more than that, the marketing is increasing. Fortunately, there are some companies that want to keep the original Easter story intact, and they are producing Easter eggs with the story of Jesus and the cross printed on so that the egg recipient clearly sees what Easter really means.

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