Why do you need a wedding movie

Legal Law

Then you are getting married! How exciting is that? There are many decisions to make and providers to book. One of the most important providers that you should hire is a wedding filmmaker. Not having a wedding video is one of the biggest regrets couples have after their wedding is over. Don’t be the partner you “wish” had.

Still not convinced? Here are 5 reasons why you need to hire a wedding filmmaker to capture your day.

Reason n. # 1: video captures what photos can’t

Photography is definitely a must for your wedding. That said, photos can only convey something. Done correctly, a wedding video has the ability to transport you back in time every time you watch it. Everything comes to life and allows you to relive every moment. In fact, you can hear their voices and feel the emotion that you experienced on that perfect day.

Reason n. 2: you can tell your story

Being able to share a story about how they met, how they got engaged, or what about the other person who fell in love with you can only be captured on video. Moments like these, along with images from your day, create a time capsule that can be shared with friends and family who may not know your story or may not have been able to make it on your wedding day.

Reason n. 3: see and hear loved ones who have passed away

Let’s face it, nobody lives forever. Having a video of your wedding day can capture that moment in time forever. His mother, father, grandparents and even siblings can be seen and heard on video. Sure, having photos is good, however, if they have already passed away, being able to hear their voices again and see the happiness they had for you is priceless.

Reason n. # 4: it’s something you can show your kids one day

The natural progression for most couples after their wedding day is to start a family. You can show your kids pictures of your wedding, but imagine being able to let them see what you were like back then. How dad really cried while saying his vows, how mom somehow held him together. They can watch their wedding movie together and remember how much they loved her wedding dress, how her tux didn’t fit her, how the weather was perfect, or how uncooperative. These are details that you can forget just by looking at photos. Video brings everything to life and being able to show your children how you became the couple that you are is something you cannot do with photos alone.

Reason # 5 – It’s an irreplaceable memory capsule in time

Imagine for a moment that you and your spouse are sitting on your couch 25, maybe 50 years in the future. You have had so many adventures in your life, you have bought and sold houses, you have raised your children, you have changed jobs, etc. Time has a way of lulling us to sleep and blurring the experiences of years past. Being able to turn on the movie of your wedding and be transported to the past to hear your voices and feel the emotions of that magical day, with tears running down your face is something that cannot be easily expressed in words.

After your wedding is over, those are the moments that you can’t take back, the ones that are forever written in your story. But with a wedding movie, you can always relive that day and rekindle the love you’ve always shared, remembering how this crazy journey began so many years ago. That’s why you NEED a wedding movie !!

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