Why Christian Singers and Speakers Need a Blog

Digital Marketing

Your blog gives you another platform to spread the Gospel. You and I know that there are millions of people who need to hear the truth. So use your blog posts to highlight a Bible verse that touched your heart or changed your life. Include that verse in your blog post and connect with your reader by telling a story or giving a Biblically sound explanation of the verse. Trust me, it will touch someone’s heart in cyberspace. Your blog could lead someone to know and accept Jesus Christ!

Blogging creates fans! When you consistently blog with one focus, you develop a fan base. These fans will look forward to what you have to say and will visit your site again and again. The more you blog, the more you will build an audience that trusts you. Your teaching, suggestions and advice will become credible with your audience.

Blogs help you rank better in search engines. When you create more and more blog posts, you are building a bigger web presence. You should be blogging at least 10-20 times a month. I know this is hard, but it will help a lot! Your site is growing by improving the probability that one of your pages will be discovered. Be sure to put relevant keywords (words or phrases that someone would Google to find your website) in the titles of your blog posts so that people within your target market will find your blog. Search engines, like Google, prefer a larger website. They have more to index, which improves your web ranking.

Blogging increases your conversion rate. As I said earlier, when you blog at least 10-20 times a month, you are increasing your presence on the web, which in turn increases the likelihood that your site will be discovered. So it stands to reason that the more quality traffic you get from your blog, it turns into album and book sales or sermon reservations or downloads. Here’s a tip: include the products or merchandise you’re trying to sell in the sidebar of your blog. Create a call to action to get people to see your products or merchandise. For example, in the sidebar, include an image or your branded t-shirt with text below that says “Get your new (insert band name) t-shirt now!”. Remember to include keywords that are relevant to your ministry in the blog post titles.

Blog Ideas:

  • Each day post a verse that you have read during your daily Bible study and explain what you have learned.
  • Teach your audience how to do something or educate them with advice on your skill set
  • Let your audience know about other Youth Singers, Authors or Speakers you like
  • Invite a friend to guestblog. This takes some of the workload off you.
  • Write about your tour or conference. Highlight special events and exciting things you’re doing.

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