When will these actions be considered sedition?


Although much about the election campaign, the subsequent election, many controversies, behaviors, rhetoric and actions of Donald Trump, were different from his predecessors, in recent memory, and many of us, we had numerous concerns about the impacts on our constitutional guarantees. , especially, in a relevant and sustainable way, and the potential ramifications, was even more disturbing, witness, the rhetoric and implications, articulated, before and after the recent elections. Never before, most recall, a level of polarization, within this nation, as it currently exists. While there have always been political / partisan differences, today’s issues largely center on the character, demeanor, stability, and serviceability of this president, as well as the potential harm caused by his statements / divisive rhetoric. , baseless accusations, etc., and apparent willingness to do, say and try, almost anything, to remain in office. However, we are witnessing a potential case of sedition, which is dangerous and a crime! Sedition is defined as any overt conduct (such as speaking, organizing, inciting riot, riot, allowing / encouraging others to violence and actions), which tends to foster rebellion, against the established order and the rights of others ! Generally, this also includes subversion of the Constitution and its guarantees, and inciting others, against the established authority, and, rules. With that in mind, this article will briefly attempt to consider, examine, review and discuss 4 specific concerns and why, something should be done to discourage this type of behavior in the future.

1. The impacts / ramifications, including violence and disorder: Has any elected official ever witnessed training others toward violent, disorderly behavior and false and baseless accusations, as we see today? When supporters of this president take to the streets carrying rifles and other weapons, in a menacing manner, and appearing to worship Trump, if that’s not sedition, what is?

two. The American electoral system: How can someone cast doubt on the safety and fairness of our electoral process and claim that it was rigged and rigged, despite all major agencies and individuals (including those appointed by Trump) claiming that the election was fair? , and there was no substantial fraud, doesn’t that hurt this nation, in a worrying way?

3. Lack of proof or evidence: Although, it should not surprise us, President Trump would resort to this behavior, considering the political facts: Verifiers have declared, for four years, that he is lying, at a worrying rate, if one had evidence, it would be one thing, but to continue this behavior, continually encouraging / demanding others, to take extraordinary measures, to challenge the voters’ decision and keep him in office, it certainly seems like sedition!

Four. Intentions: To be considered an act of sedition, doesn’t it make sense, do you need one, proceeding, intentionally, to upset our system of government? Trump’s tweets and public statements seem to clearly indicate his nefarious intentions!

As I am not a lawyer, I can only theorize, by arguing, the essence of sedition. However, if this behavior is allowed, doesn’t it seem to blur the lines, between, legality and sedition?

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