What does personal achievement mean to you?

Arts Entertainments

There is something special about going on a personal journey to achieve something, going through all the ups and downs of any personal change and finally reaching the goal that you or someone else set for you.

More than an achievement for your team or your community, there is a great sense of satisfaction in reaching a goal.

What does personal fulfillment mean to you?

1. Satisfaction

When you decide to do something, especially if it’s something you haven’t done before, then you can feel something personal; feeling of satisfaction when you achieve what you wanted to do. It can be something as simple as tidying up clutter or cleaning old clothes that are no longer needed, or as complicated as planning a trip around the world.

2. Compliance

Similar to satisfaction, but also means that you may feel like you have completed part of an ongoing sense of change or process. For example, if you’re just learning how to use a new camera, you might feel a sense of satisfaction when you’ve taken a series of photos and viewed them on your computer.

You know that you have much more to learn, but you are satisfied to complete the initial part of the process.

3. Complete a switch trip

Change can take a moment or last a long time, but when you have planned to do something for months or years, when you finally arrive at the destination, there is a sense of great accomplishment. This could be something like completing a college course or preparing for retirement and what you will do when you stop working. I can identify with both scenarios.

4. Overcome objections

When you start talking about the changes you want or the goals you hope to achieve, it’s a common experience for some people to tell you that it’s impossible or that you won’t be able to do that. However, when you are determined to do something and continue despite objections, there is a wonderful sense of completion when you finally do it.


There may be a valuable prize when you reach the goal, but the actual value is not necessarily vital. For example, a certificate showing that you passed an exam is just a piece of paper, but the value of that reward is tremendous and gives a great sense of personal achievement. Something that shows you and others what you’ve been through on your change journey can enhance your own sense of worth.

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