What are the 5 benefits of a low carb diet?

Health Fitness

Most people in this nation believe that the father of the low carb diet was Dr. Robert Atkins. A Board Certified Cardiologist, Dr. Atkins was faced with a potential heart-related health problem in the 1970s and did not want to continue, relying on medication, often with longer-term ramifications. He proceeded to study around the world, doing research and discovering, in Germany and nearby nations, that reducing carbohydrate intake has numerous health-related benefits. After years of study, he created what is known as the Atkins diet and the expression, low carb, became popular in the United States. Hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people, at one time or another, have used either the entire program or a component of this approach. When followed and observed with discipline and insight, the results have been remarkable and exceptional! With that in mind, this article will attempt to briefly consider, examine, review, and discuss 5 benefits of using a low-carb diet.

1. Easy to follow: Most people find dieting challenging and often lack the necessary degree of discipline, necessary, to stay on the diet! One of the main reasons the results of this approach have been as successful as they have been is that it is an easy plan to follow. With this plan, the dieter is not hungry, as is often the case with other approaches!

2. It works, and it can be, life-changing: If it didn’t work, no matter how easy it seemed to use it, it wouldn’t be successful or last! There are several parts to this plan, from the initial stage where carbs are severe, restricted, and limited, and the goal is called, like, ketosisBecause the body starts burning facts, for energy, instead of carbohydrates! This stage usually continues for at least two weeks, until weight loss approaches goal. Gradually, people add small amounts of carbohydrates, until they reach their goal. It becomes life changing, because once we change our eating habits and reduce our carbohydrates – addictionthe weight can be kept, off!

3. Not related to calories: This approach doesn’t count calories! Often foods, which may be low in fat or low in calories, may not be, low in carbohydrates. One must begin to recognize how this works, and have the discipline and knowledge to proceed in a wise, intelligent and focused manner!

4. Don’t stay hungry: Unlike some approaches, when you use this plan, you are not hungry! Doesn’t it make sense, when we are not hungry, our chance of success improves?

5. You can use this, at home or away: Unlike diets, which use pre-packaged foods, etc., the Atkins diet is easy to use, at home or when dining out.

No diet should be attempted unless one consults with their trusted health professional first! The more you know the better, you will be cared for and represented!

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