Weekly Review: Sky Wizards Academy


Do you want your loved ones to remember you when you die? What if, every time you pass, perhaps in glorious combat defending your city from robotic beasts that devour all the people there, you have no hand? You meet your untimely end … but then your parents forget who you are. They can’t mourn you because they didn’t even know you existed. Your favorite store on the street that you used to go to every day and argue with the merchant now also has no record of your existence. Your life has been erased.

This is the life of a magician in the field of this story. They are particularly powerful humans who can use weapons that make them even more dangerous, and are the only defense against flying, robotic-like insects who want nothing more than to destroy everything. After all, this is why humanity has been led to heaven, to floating cities of armor. Kanata is a young man who was known, and still is, as the best of the best. His squad was the best in the academy, S-rated wizards who could take down enemies like they weren’t even there. However, something changed after one particular battle. All we know is that he is now branded a traitor and coward; Now he spends most of his days helping logistics with inventory and other things. Even a traitor and a coward, for the logistics team he is a god for their plans.

One day he is recruited by a former member of his squad to take over teaching a squad at the academy, the worst squad in the school, about to be fired. Without much care, as he shows throughout most of the show, he agrees. When he meets the three girls from the E601 fire team, his fears come true. Not only do they all suck, but they also suck and suck. Common sense, like teamwork and strategy, have no place in their minds. The leader is an airhead with anger issues, the melee member is so shy that she can’t even take on an enemy, and the long-range member thinks she is a goddess. Pretty bad.

So there is the base of the story for you, Kanata is supposed to get all three members in shape and prevent them from being expelled from the academy. Along the way, we can see how the city is handling the attacks of the insects, including an attack that infiltrates the city. There is also a madman who is quite annoying and is killing people, and a tournament that a certain three must win to stay. Track Track.

I want my opinions to be short and sweet on this anime because, well, I hate it. I can not stand it. The ten episodes I watched were the longest episodes of my entire life. The plot sounds amazing and great, but when you delve into the anime itself you are left with a bad taste in your mouth. The main one is amazing, don’t get me wrong, especially in English Dub. His comments and his I don’t give a shit attitude are the only things that kept me going, that and the occasional fan service. Let me break it down a bit more I guess.

The fight scenes are terrible. This is one of those anime series that, during an action scene, features about ten seconds of fighting and ten minutes of conversation. Which is fine, Naruto cough, if the action was really good, but it is not. Animation during action sequences is … poorly done. You don’t get the sense of urgency out of the battle and you don’t really get involved in it. On top of that, the three members of the fire team are completely upset. Their personalities are terrible, the dialogue is bad, and they have no idea. Simple ideals like, you know, basic teamwork, don’t apply to them. Throughout their “training”, you never get the feeling that they really improve, until they suddenly start winning, which is terrible in itself.

All in all, I don’t recommend this anime series at all. There are many other fantasy anime series with a similar plot that do a much better job of engaging the viewer than this one. Stay away.

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