Ways to lose belly fat and get the flat stomach you want

Health Fitness

Losing abdominal fat has become a very difficult task for many people. However, more often than not, they are trying to fix the problem the wrong way or with the wrong mindset. An example of this is targeted fat reduction, where some people believe that crunches will instantly burn fat, and only burn fat, around the abdominal region. This is pretty wrong, and what I’m about to tell you is pretty proven and will help you reach your fitness goals.

To lose belly fat, you must consume fewer calories than you burn. That said, if you eat 2,000 calories a day and burn 1,900 calories, then you’re gaining 100 calories a day from fat. It is believed that 3,000 – 3,500 calories equals 1 pound of fat, so by eating an extra 100 calories a day, you would be gaining a pound of fat almost every month. That’s pretty scary to think about. However, if you eat 1,900 calories a day and burn 2,000 calories a day, you are losing fat. In about a month, you’ll weigh a pound less. Obviously, a pound a month isn’t good for those who want quick results, so let’s go over some quicker, yet healthy, ways to lose belly fat.

Cardio is a great way to help burn calories and, by burning calories, burn fat. However, don’t go out and run tens of miles a day, because that won’t help your overall goal. To lose belly fat the right way, you should stick to around 30 minutes to an hour of cardio 5 days a week. 30 minutes sounds reasonable enough, and eventually it gets easier to stick to.

Performing sprints and “anaerobic” cardio is one of the best ways to keep your metabolism active while dieting. When you diet, your body realizes that it is losing fat stores and panics. In this panic, you start to slow down your metabolism to help your body retain fat. Obviously, we don’t want that to happen, so doing sprints or “fast” cardio is quite helpful. After anaerobic exercise, your metabolism can increase for 72 hours! That’s a great way to lose weight!

strength training Strength training, such as bodyweight exercises or weightlifting exercises, are another great anaerobic activity you can do to keep your metabolism high while dieting, and it will keep your body toned. One of the biggest mistakes dieters make is that they just do cardio, burn muscle, and then walk around with a “skinny fat” body, which is a wasted, but skinny body. You don’t want that, so strength training is the way to go.

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