Turn off the aging of your skin


Dear health conscious reader,

On October 26, 2008, people from all over the country attended my first conference on telomeres (pronounced tell-o-meers). Surrounded by some of the world’s most recognized cutting-edge researchers in the field, we share how telomeres hold the key to aging. And everyone who witnessed the event left with the ability to control their aging clock and add years of abundant health to their lives.

Telomeres are the “keepers of time” attached to each strand of your DNA. They are critical for youthful cell function. But every time your cells divide, your telomeres shorten. When your telomeres are depleted, cell division stops and your life ends. The telomere is the most important discovery in the history of mankind. We now understand the mechanism of aging and how to influence it. Life on this planet will never be the same. In fact, the discovery of telomeres just won the 2009 Nobel Prize in Medicine.

I have been researching the power of telomeres for years. I am the first physician licensed to administer the only commercially available treatment that lengthens human telomeres. It is the most dramatic advance in the world of life extension. And now, I’ve discovered a way to apply this Nobel Prize-winning breakthrough to skin care. It practically defies the aging DNA of your skin.

By repairing your skin’s DNA, you can plump your skin and reduce the appearance of wrinkles and crow’s feet, banish sun and age spots, and firm sagging jawlines. 1 It all starts with an extract that slows the signs of aging and nourishes skin cells, helping to prolong their lifespan. 2 This incredible extract, called teprenone, delays the shortening of telomeres and protects the DNA of the skin so you can delay the appearance of aging. 3

We all get excited when we are told that we look younger than we really are. We feel young, we think young, we act young… and we want to LOOK young for as long as possible. That’s why this compound is so exciting. It’s the best, and easiest, thing you can do for your skin to restore the youth and energy you want the world to see.

Teprenone actively limits, even prevents, oxidative buildup in skin cells and protects DNA by helping the skin produce a protein that protects cells against oxidative damage. It also protects the antioxidant activity naturally produced by skin cells. 4 I made it one of the key ingredients in my new DNA rejuvenation cream, Revive.

My Revive DNA Rejuvenation Cream helps maintain telomeres and prolongs the lifespan of skin cells. I have added other key ingredients to help reduce all signs of aging and revive the youth and splendor of the younger years. These powerful skin-saving ingredients have real science behind them. In clinical trials of women, the results were remarkable. Look at these numbers: 5

* 100% increased moisture level in your skin

* 100% saw reduction in the appearance of sun spots

* Over 90% saw a decrease in redness and pore size

* 75% experienced an improvement in skin tone and elasticity

* 75% felt roughness and the appearance of fine lines was reduced

Restore the radiant, supple and smooth skin of your youth

When you look at old photos, you may be surprised to see the beautiful face you had as a teenager. You probably still imagine yourself the same… fair, taut skin… full cheeks… high forehead. Teprenone is an impressive advance. But there is more to the story. Great skin also needs hyaluronic acid (HA). You had a lot when you were young, but it lessens as you get older.

You may have heard of HA before. You’ll find it in popular fillers that dermatologists inject into the skin to plump lips, neutralize frown lines, and smooth skin. There is a good reason why it is such a popular cosmetic enhancement. HA has the amazing ability to hold large amounts of water…absorbing around 1000 times its weight in water.

Without enough hydration, your skin becomes saggy, dry and wrinkled… adding years to your age. But when your skin has enough HA, all that water replenishes your skin, improving volume and elasticity to restore a youthful balance to your face. You do not have to have an injection to receive the benefits of HA. When you use it topically, you still get great results. That’s because your skin can absorb HA at the cellular level. Unlike other moisturizers that just sit on top of the skin, HA sinks into the deeper levels of skin tissue.

It also acts as a “carrier,” 6 delivering all of the anti-aging ingredients in Revive deep into your cells for a younger-looking face. He will even notice a reduction in the appearance of age spots. Those dark spots on your skin, known as sun spots or age spots, are a natural darkening that occurs in response to sun exposure. Nurturing them helps reduce their appearance. Revive’s ingredients work to repair skin from the DNA level. 7

Squalane is a natural skin lipid. You had a lot during your childhood and in your adolescence. The problem is, once you get into your 20s, the amount of squalane in your skin decreases rapidly.

Squalane has a powerful moisturizing action and penetrates the deepest layer of the skin to provide the greatest protection. At the same time, it creates a barrier against water loss, restores moisture and suppleness to your face, and reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

The addition of this pure essential oil to my formula encourages cell regeneration and leaves your face smooth and glowing for the world to see. And that’s good news. Nowadays it is more and more important to choose natural products for your precious skin. That’s why I’ve developed a blend of the best and most powerful natural ingredients for Revive.

It’s unfortunate, but women across the United States and around the world smear dangerous chemicals on their faces every day. The ingredients in a lot of so-called “anti-aging” skin care products can damage your DNA and prevent it from repairing itself. One of the biggest mistakes in the skin care industry was PABA, an ingredient added to products to reduce damage from the sun’s UV rays.

When studies were done on PABA it was determined that, in the dark, it is harmless. Expose it to sunlight and it will start attacking your DNA. So while it may prevent you from getting sunburned, it’s not very good for your skin’s health. 8 Another ingredient found in some skin lotions and facial cleansers is ethylene glycol. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), you’ll find this compound in antifreeze and deicer solutions for cars, airplanes, and boats.

Is this really something you want to put on your face?

Here’s another one you should know about: Propylene glycol is an active ingredient in at least 12,080 products that touch your skin. You’ll find it in cosmetics as an additive to help lock in moisture and build a moisture barrier. Propylene glycol is often an ingredient in antifreeze, tire sealants, rubber cleaners, paints, degreasers, and adhesives.

Need I say more?

You will not find parabens, carcinogens, pollutants, or gasoline distillates of any kind in my products. When you use Revive, you can be sure that every ingredient is natural, wholesome, and hand-picked by me to give your skin a healthy, vibrant look… without a reason to worry.

Your skin is the largest organ in your body. When properly maintained with effective skin care, it can lead to an overall healthier and younger lifestyle. In this letter, you have already discovered the great impact that your telomeres and DNA have on the age of your skin, and how Revive literally defies the aging process of your skin.

I am in favor of my Revive Rejuvenation Cream.

I guarantee you will love the way your face looks after using Revive. If you’re not completely satisfied, I’ll send you a full refund, no questions asked. Simply return the empty or partially used bottle, and I’ll make sure you get your full money back. But once you discover how radiant and vibrant your skin looks with Revive, you won’t want to part with it for any amount of money. Get started today and feel the joy that comes with a healthier, more youthful face.

To your good health,

Al Sears, MD

1. “The Effects of Temprenone on Skin Aging”, Patent Study WO 2006; 120646, Sederma Inc. 2009

2. Ibid.

3. Ibid.

4. “Topical use of teprenone.” Study for patent WO 2006; 120646, Sederma Inc. 2009

5. Ibid.

6. Brown, Tracey J., Alcom, Daine, and Fraser, J Robert E., “Absorption of hyaluronan applied to the surface of intact skin,” Journal of Investigative Dermatology 1999; 113,740-746

7. “The Effects of Temprenone on Skin Aging”, Patent Study WO 2006; 120646, Sederma Inc. 2009

8. Knowland, John, McKenzie, Edward A., McHugh, Peter J. and Cridland, Nigel A., “Sunlight-Induced Mutagenicity of a Common Sunscreen Ingredient”, Department of Biochemistry, University of Oxford

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