Troubleshooting Windows Error Code 0x80004005 – Proven Solutions on How to Easily Fix It

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If you see error code 0x80004005 while using Windows operating system series then it is a warning that your computer has some problems. It is also a warning that you must fix the errors as soon as possible or you may be at risk when using the system. It is better to fix the errors at once or it can lead to a lot of complications.

Error code 0x80004005 is often seen when upgrading from Windows 98 to Windows XP. This error mainly occurs when the Windows or WPA product application cannot locate the required file.

Once you see the error, you should resolve the issue by running Windows XP in-place update repair by booting your computer from the Windows XP CD. After inserting the Windows XP CD, go to the welcome setup page and select Install Windows XP. Then go to Upgrade from Installation Type. You must accept the license agreement and then click Next. You will be guided through the various procedures until Windows XP is fully installed.

Error code 0x80004005 can also appear if some of the program files are corrupted or damaged. In this case, you need to replace the damaged files with a new one. After inserting the Windows XP CD, go to the welcome page and press R to perform recovery.

If the problem persists, check the log. Your system may also encounter error code 0x80004005 if you have a faulty registry. Since the registry is a place where all important data for the proper functioning of the system is stored, any errors in it can lead to such errors and eventual shutdown. The registry can get corrupted as it receives a lot of files every time a program is run. Thus, the registry will be overloaded and also some files might get damaged or corrupted. You should have to clean the registry to remove all the corrupt files. There is no problem in cleaning the registry as you can do it in no time using registry cleaning software. Registry cleaning software cleans all the corrupt parts of the registry very fast and another thing is that there is no need to worry as no valuable data is lost during the process.

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