Treatment of gonorrhea: symptoms and treatment of gonorrhea

Lifestyle Fashion

The correct treatment of gonorrhea can only begin when it is detected. The only way to detect it is with an STD test.


It is a bacterium that can live and thrive in any warm, moist part of the body where there is mucus. This includes the male and female sexual organs, the reproductive organs, the anus, and the throat.

Gonorrhea is a very common sexually transmitted disease (STD) that is passed to a sexual partner by an infected partner. Reports show that more than 700,000 people contract it each year. Common slang words are “the clap” or “the drip”. Any sexually active person can become infected. Both males and females can catch it and spread it to each other. The highest rate of new cases each year is in high school and college students (ages 15-24). There is only one way to avoid the risk of contracting it and that is to not have sex or engage in any type of sexual activity in any way.


Not all people with gonorrhea have symptoms. Most people start to feel funny between 2 weeks and a month. However, it is important to know that there are many people who do not have any symptoms. There are also some who may experience discomfort, but it is so mild that they do not believe that something is wrong.

If gonorrhea symptoms are present on the genitals, men often experience a burning sensation when urinating, a white or yellow discharge, and/or pain in the area of ​​the testicles. Women usually also experience a burning sensation when they urinate. Women may also have increased vaginal discharge that could be mistaken for a yeast infection. Some women report unusual bleeding between periods or confuse their symptoms and think they have a bladder infection.

If a man or woman has contracted the infection in the anus, they may experience discharge, irritation, tenderness, redness, itching, bleeding, or pain during bowel movements. If they have contracted it in the throat (during oral sex) they may have a sore throat, redness and swelling of the glands in the throat.


Many people, especially women, misdiagnose what they’re feeling and try to treat themselves with over-the-counter medications that don’t work. However, getting the correct treatment for gonorrhea is simple and yes, this infection can be cured. An STD test with a urine sample is all that is needed. A lab will test the sample, and if it comes back positive, a doctor will prescribe an antibiotic. It is important to take it all and not share it with anyone else. It is also important that both partners receive treatment or reinfection can occur quickly.

Most doctors recommend getting tested for chlamydia at the same time because many people who test positive for gonorrhea also test positive for chlamydia. It’s also smart to get tested for syphilis and HIV because anyone who is sexually active is also at risk for these diseases.

No matter what happens, it’s important to get treatment as soon as possible. Pregnant women who are infected can pass it on to their baby. Other serious complications such as infertility can occur in both men and women if this disease is not treated. Another rare but serious complication is the spread of the bacteria to the blood or joints. That’s why it’s so important to get tested quickly.


The use of latex condoms significantly lowers the risk. Maintaining a relationship with a person who has tested negative also reduces risk. However, the only way to completely avoid the risk of being exposed to this disease is to not have sex or participate in any sexual relationship.

Anyone who is sexually active should get tested for STDs, whether or not they have symptoms. This way, if the test comes back positive, proper treatment for gonorrhea can begin right away.

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