The truth about personal self defense weapons

Home Kitchen

Sorry I haven’t written anything for a while folks, but these days it seems like there’s more on my to-do list, so there’s time to get it done. In fact, my daily travels are what inspired me to sit down and write this letter today.

It seems like everywhere I go these days, I get asked the same questions about self defense weapons. Are they legal? Should I bring one? Do they really work? (And assuming they actually work for self defense)… How do I know which one is really going to work for me?

The truth is that there really is no single answer to this question. It is a personal question, which has a personal answer for each individual. So I’m going to do what I can to help clear the fog a bit on this topic, and we’ll start with a simple definition of the term “self-defense weapon.”

Self defense: The act of defending one’s own person or interests from harm through the use of physical force or argument.

Weapon: Any instrument or device used to inflict harm on another, whether for offense or defense.

So, for the purpose of this article, we’ll consider a self-defense weapon as any instrument or device used to defend against physical damage or attack… Pretty simple.

Self defense weapons come in many shapes and sizes. In fact, almost anything you use to defend yourself could be considered a self defense weapon. So instead of creating a list of self-defense weapons (which is practically endless), I’ll just go over some of the concepts that are common to all of these devices.

First let’s talk about what a self defense weapon is NOT…

A self defense weapon is NOT an animated object with a mind of its own. In other words, don’t think for yourself, and don’t sit there curled up, waiting for an opportunity to attack someone. A self defense weapon is a tool, nothing more. And being a tool, what it does depends entirely on what you do with it. A gun can go a long way in keeping you safe. However, you have to remember some certain things…


Once you have a weapon, it doesn’t mean you’re automatically safe. So don’t go walking to a bad part of town, in the middle of the night, with a big handful of money. And don’t turn your back on the local gang leader just because he has a gun in his pocket.


And even more important, you must have confidence in your ability to use it. Just because you have a gun doesn’t mean it will be of any help. This is actually a big problem among the uninformed; Military and police investigations confirm that people who do not trust a technique or device will not resort to it in a stressful situation.

Many people have been seriously injured in violent encounters with a personal defense weapon in hand. In the stress of the moment, they didn’t think to use it or doubt their ability to impact the situation. Maybe they were afraid that it would only make things worse.

So if you’re thinking about carrying a self-defense weapon, make sure you’re prepared to learn how to use it. And practice to become proficient with it. You should also be prepared to use the device aggressively with a predator, to protect yourself. Never carry a personal security weapon with the intent to “fool” your assailant. This is a sure way to have your gun taken from you and used against you. So if you’re not prepared to use it decisively, don’t take it!


You have to keep your eyes open and pay attention, and you have to know how to carry and use the weapon of your choice, because if you don’t, you may not get a chance to use it. A gun doesn’t help if it’s still in its holster, and a pepper spray or stun gun isn’t much use if it’s still in the bottom of your bag or kitchen drawer at home when you’re attacked. Therefore, when carrying a weapon for self-defense, make sure you can access it quickly if the need arises.

People rarely leave their homes thinking, “Wow, I think I’ll go out and defend a mugger or rapist today!” What happens with most self-defense weapons is that the novelty wears off and they’re quickly forgotten, then end up in the bottom of a purse, the glove compartment of your car, or the back of a kitchen drawer. They won’t do you much good there! So ask yourself if the device you’re considering is practical enough to carry with you all the time.


Overly inflated claims and promises of quick fixes are everywhere in the self defense business. Many gadget vendors and would-be self-defense experts exaggerate the benefits and capabilities of their systems and products.

You must understand and recognize the limitations of a self defense weapon and have a backup plan. Keep in mind that nothing is 100% effective all the time. Even a weapon is only 99% effective. Sometimes they shoot at people, but they still don’t go down. However, I don’t know anyone who would say that a gun is ineffective.

So knowing that nothing works 100% of the time means that no matter what self defense weapon you decide to carry, you should still have a backup plan to defend yourself… just in case.


Lots of laws. Starting mostly with gun laws, using guns, carrying a gun, etc. but there are also laws about stun guns, pepper spray, knives, batons, etc. It mainly has to do with when weapons can be used and under what circumstances.

Do what you can to learn the gun laws in your area, but most importantly, use a little common sense. Pointing a gun at a guy because he cut you off in traffic is a no-no, and shooting someone in the face with pepper spray because they ate the last donut at the meeting is not using good judgment. So when you learn how to use your self defense weapon, also learn the laws regarding the weapon and when you can and cannot legally use it.

So there you have it, some basic truths about self defense weapons.

I could go on for another half hour on self-defense weapons, and I would never run out of things to say, but this article is well past the thousand word mark, so I’ll end it here. The bottom line is that if you are going to carry a weapon for self defense, make sure you know how to use it and are prepared to use it if the need arises.

Until next time, stay safe and stay alive.

Steve / NASP

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