The gender of nouns


Gender at certain international borders

Some sexy things

Gender is another word from Latin (gender) meaning class, class or class. English nouns are classified as male, feminine, gold neutralize. The term has nothing to do with sexual characteristics, masculinity and femininity. It is an arbitrary classification in which words are conveniently entered in order to determine what pronoun to use in place of the noun when deemed necessary. Gender could also be categorized as Group I (for masculine), Group II (for feminine), and Group III (for neutral). They could also have been groups with letters as in A, B, Y VS. Or each could have been represented by fruits, vegetables, meats, planets, minerals, or atomic elements. Whatever the reason, we have to live with what we have. Nouns are grouped by gender.


man (masculine)

niece (feminine)

feminine woman)

nephew (masculine)

brick (neutral)

bite (neutral)

indigestion (neutral)

omphaloscepsism (neutralize)

god (masculine)

goddess (feminine)

king (masculine)

queen (feminine)

baroness (feminine)

sterility (neutral)

What determines gender? Some words by their essence suggest gender. The mother, daughter, sister, and all other female relatives are female; father, son, brother, and all other male relatives are inherently male. In the animal kingdom [which includes mankind somewhere near the top], there are males and females so designated by their masculine or feminine characteristics. Some nouns seem to fit all three genders in some way.

Some words are defined simply as male:

dog (watched closely to verify)



Some words are naturally feminine:

bitch (close up view to verify)

leona (indicated by suffix)

mare (completely new word)

Some words indicate neutralize gender by definition:

dog (too far to determine gender characteristics)

cat (general family, genus and species)

castrated (modified male)

Then there are those words that have the same spelling for the three genders thus leaving the determination to the description or modifiers.







Some words just leave no clue as to which pronoun would be the appropriate replacement if the natural gender [grammatical sex?] they were the determining factor.

Ocean: The expanding ocean churns its waves and splashes its spray along the shore.

Baby: Oh, what a cute baby. What is his (her? His?) Name?

Boat: The sloop I sail has beautiful lines; her sails flutter like clouds in the sky.

Darling: The stars in the sky make your beauty much more impressive. [Can sky be plural? According to the song America, we have… for spacious skies… ]

To be or not to be – What is gender?

English allows a great deal of room for maneuver in determining what gender is assigned to a noun and its always corresponding pronoun. Foreign languages ​​are less forgiving, as you will soon see. To determine gender, take a close look at the noun. Do you have characteristics that can be naturally associated with a specific gender? If so, assign it that gender, masculine for masculine and feminine for feminine. Everything else is neutral. The need to know is only important when it becomes necessary to use a pronoun instead of the noun.


horse: That horse has won more races than any other. (He …, She …, Is …) is definitely my choice to be included in tonight’s trifecta.

What pronoun should be used to replace horse as the subject of the second sentence?

Hears implies that you know the horse is male.

Her makes the assumption that the horse is female.

That he ignores either option and reveals that he knows nothing about the horse’s gender.

Any of the three options would be acceptable and understandable in English. See how easy this Language is? Foreign languages ​​require you to know the gender of the horse before substituting a pronoun. In English you could say Horse and substitute any of the three pronouns; in Spanish, the word for horse, horse, is masculine and requires a masculine pronoun; in German, the same horse is Pferd, a neuter noun, and requires a neuter pronoun. The indicators in Spanish and German (the main definite or indefinite articles) indicate the genre that applies.

Foreign application (German):

Use of foreign Romance languages gender Y number to determine which article accompanies it. Rather, the article describes the type of noun that follows, be it singular or plural, masculine, feminine or neuter. Which comes first, the article or the noun? They must arrive at the same time as inseparable entities.

When a German says, “Der …”, it can be inferred that a singular masculine noun will follow.

When a Spaniard starts with, “The ace …”, one would expect a feminine plural noun to follow.

When an Englishman says “The …”, no one knows what to expect next. It can be masculine, feminine or neuter, and in the singular or plural. The initial word gives no indication of what to anticipate. It is a release that only requires consistency for the application to be understandable.

Notice the conditions in the next section that make the German genre so difficult. Compare those conditions to the English genre and breathe deeply of relief that the English genre is so simple.]

Foreign application, German gender:

There are specific conditions that govern the gender of German nouns.

1. The natural Y grammarian the gender is identical:

to) Family relationships: male members are male; female members are female.

B) Professions: those made by men are masculine; those made by women are feminine. [Those performed by both have their own nouns and genders.]

2. The grammatical gender sometimes contradicts natural gender:

to) Little girl, Y to lose (expected to be feminine) are neutralize

B) Victim Y boy (that should be subway gold F only) are neutralize.

vs) Diminutive, no matter what the natural gender is, they are neutralize.

D) Animals they follow their natural genus unless the reference is to the species. So the reference is neutral.

3. Compound nouns have the gender determined by the last (last) part of the word.

4. Gender that is determined by the rules that govern groups [again, the powers that be]:

a) The months, the days of the week and the cardinal points are masculine.

Objective, Spring it is neutral.

b) Nouns derived from strong verbs and mountains are masculine.

Objective, The Matterhorn it is neutral.

c) Nouns ending in: -ig, -ling, -ant, -er, -ismus, -o they are male.

Objective, restaurant it is neutral.

d) nouns from derived Latin endings: -ion, -anz, -enz, -ie, -ik, -ur, -age, -ette they are feminine.

e) Nouns ending in: –keit, -heit, -ei, -schaft, -ung, -t,_t, -nis they are feminine.

f) The nouns that name planes and ships are feminine.

g) Place names from continents to cafes, chemicals ending in -on gold -ol, the letters of the alphabet and diminutives are neutral.

I) Nouns taken from infinitives or ending in: -um, -ment, -ett, -icht they are neutral.

5. Some nouns are written in the same way and have the same meaning but of a different gender.

a) Liter, meter (m / n) can be any … But the kilometer is only male.

b) Crystal (m / n) can be anything when referring to the mineral.

Some nouns change meaning when gender changes:

a) der Alp – ghost; die Alp – grasslands on a mountain [How afraid could one be on Halloween upon seeing die Alp.]

b) der Band – volume; das Band – belt, weave, conveyor belt, link

c) der Laster – truck; das Laster – vice [Imagine watching das Miami Laster.]

d) der Otter – otter; Die Otter – Viper

e) der See – lake; die See – sea

Foreign application, Spanish

All nouns in Spanish are masculine or feminine as indicated by the definite or indefinite article that precedes them. But, if you don’t know which article precedes the noun, there must be some other system for determining gender. There are. Consider the following:

1. Masculine nouns end in -or, with some exceptions.

book – the book, the books

coat – coat, coats

agreement – the agreement, the agreements

2. Feminine nouns end in -a, -tion, -sion, -dad, -tad, -tud, -um, -ez.

hanger – the hanger, the hangers

family – family, families

generation – the generation, the generations

3. Nouns ending in -entity, -ist, -cida, -ante, etc. they are male or female depending on the reference, but the ending does not change gender; only the article does.

the dentist – the dentist, the dentists; the dentist, the dentists

the artist – the artist, the artists; the artist, the artists

the student – the student, the students; the student, the students

4. Some masculine nouns and some feminine nouns end in -me.


check mark



5. Some nouns ending in -or they are feminine.


6. Some nouns ending in -to they are male.

the day

the map

7. Some nouns are generally considered masculine but have a feminine form.

the guard

the sentinel

8. Nouns of Greek origin ending in -to they are masculine even though they appear feminine.

the drama

the topic

9. Abstract nouns formed from adjectives are neuter and take the article. it.

how beautiful


10. Abstract nouns ending in –U.S they are feminine, unless there is a suffix increase; then they are feminine.

11. The letters of the alphabet, phonetic sounds, and symbols are feminine.

12. Some nouns are masculine or feminine without change of meaning.

him or the sugar

the or the sea

13. Some nouns change their meaning depending on their apparent gender.

the guide – the guide

the guide – the directory

capital – money

the capital – the capital (government)

Spanish grammar implies the same correlation of articles, gender, number and case as English and German, but it is less restrictive than German and more restricted than English. The alphabets in all three languages ​​are similar for the most part, with German and Spanish adding some additional letter combinations for some special sound effects. It is still a horror wedding.

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