The Fear of Public Speaking – Fear of Speaking Before a Group


Have you heard of a survey stating that the biggest fear people have is the fear of public speaking?

Jerry Seinfeld mocked these findings when he said:

“A recent survey indicated that the average person’s biggest fear is having to give a public speech. In some ways, this ranked even higher than death, which was third on the list. So, you’re telling me that at a funeral, most people would rather be the guy in the coffin than have to stand up and give a eulogy.”

As funny as your comment is, there is plenty of evidence that people are afraid of public speaking. We don’t need polls for this, heck, we know the greats who get sweaty when they make a speech. Maybe (just maybe) you, like me, have been there.

How many people are afraid of speaking in public?

The most famous survey, which identified fear of public speaking as people’s #1 fear, was the 1973 Bruskin survey published in David Wallechinsky, Irving Wallace and Amy Wallace’s book, “The Book of Lists.”

3,000 Americans were asked to list their biggest fears. The largest group, 41%, reported that their biggest fear was speaking in front of a group. This fear was followed by fear of heights, insects, financial problems, deep water, sickness, death, flying, loneliness, and dogs.

Speaking in front of a group 41%

Heights 32%

Insects and bugs 22%

Financial problems 22%

deep water 21%

disease 19%

death 19%

fly 18%

Loneliness 14%

Dogs 11%

Driving a car 9%

Darkness 8%

elevators 8%

Escalators 5%

Surveys, of course, only answer the questions you ask. Many surveys show respondents a list of options; so if your pet’s fear is not on the list of options, you can look for something that is on the list.

Also, a survey can be biased by the sample of respondents. For example, a sample weighted on people age 65 and older might produce a different set of results compared to a sample weighted toward twenty-something college graduates.

Finally, polls reflect the opinions of people at a given time.

In the famous Bruskin survey, conducted in 1973, fear of deep water was the first choice for 19% of people. Two years later “Jaws” was released. I wonder if that 19% would have risen in the minds of moviegoers.

Similarly, this survey of Americans in 1973 makes no mention of terrorism, whereas perhaps a terrorist attack would be more present today.

So has the fear of public speaking lessened over time?

You may believe it but…

In 1993, the Bruskin/Goldring Report followed up on earlier research with a survey asking 1,000 adults “about the stuff nightmares are made of…” Again, speaking to a group that spearheaded the poll.

And even more recently…

In 2001, a Gallup poll on the fears of Americans still had a 40% fear of public speaking.

Public speaking had actually slipped to the #2 spot behind…snakes (51%).

The full results of the Gallup (2001) fear poll were:

snakes 51%

Public Speaking 40%

Heights 36%

Confined Space 34%

Insects and Spiders 27%

Needles/Injections 21%

Mice 20%

fly 18%

Dogs 11%

Thunder and lightning 11%

Crowds 11%

Physicians 9%

darkness 5%

What is interesting is that many of the fears from the 1973 survey were still there almost 30 years later. In fact, the top 3 in Bruskin’s poll were still in the top 5 in Gallup’s poll, and their percentages had barely changed.

I am aware of a Discovery Channel poll on “fears” from about 10 years ago that also had the fear of public speaking in the top 10.

There was also an ABC special report called “Signs of Fear” that listed fear of public speaking at #1.

More recently, according to a survey conducted by Newspoll in Australia, public speaking is feared almost as much as death.

Research shows that 23 per cent of Australians fear public speaking more than death, compared to 27 per cent who ranked death as their number one fear.

I’m not precious about what tops different “fear” polls at different times.

What is conclusive is that over the years, the fear of public speaking has caused considerable concern to a considerable number of people.

Well, research shows that women are more afraid than men. I don’t know the reasons for this. I know that many women find it difficult to project their voices. I also know quite a few men who have supreme confidence to stand up and speak. To be fair, some of those characters I’ve seen in action may not need training to overcome fear, but they certainly need training not to bore their audience!

Generally, the more educated a person is, the less afraid they are of speaking to an audience. This probably has something to do with giving presentations at the university, etc.

But then again, not being afraid is very different from being really good at it!

According to the study in Australia, 25 percent of the 35-64 age group fear public speaking more than death, compared to just 18 percent of the 18-34 age group . Younger adults may be less fearful, but it could be that older adults are reaching leadership positions where the results of public speaking have a far greater impact on company finances and employee morale than younger managers. who are starting their careers.

The survey author actually said, “Most company executives spend, on average, 85 percent of their time talking and listening rather than writing. Therefore, public speaking becomes a skill.” crucial communication for anyone in the world of work, as well as being a component in career promotion.

Personally, I look around the world and my community and I think there are much more important things to worry about than public speaking. Of course, we all have nerves when we are about to be the center of attention. I don’t think those nerves will differ if you’re making a financial presentation to investors or giving a wedding speech or an after-dinner speech at the golf club dinner.

The key is to learn and practice skills like:

Speech writing: how to start and how to end a speech, logical flow, etc.

Speech: be heard, sound interesting, sound authentic

Body language: eye contact, posture, movement, gestures

impromptu speech

· Preparation

Understanding your audience

You can develop them by hiring a speech writer or speech coach, purchasing a personal development course to study at home, attending a speaking class or course, purchasing a book, or joining a training organization such as Toastmasters International or the Toastmasters Association. UK Speakers. Clubs.

Public speaking is only one facet of business communication, but it’s a skill that becomes more important the higher you go up the leadership ladder. There is a sense of expectation from colleagues, employees, customers, and third parties that senior leaders can communicate fluently in any situation.

Take the time to develop this crucial communication skill to boost your confidence so you’ll do well, no matter where Fear of Public Speaking shows up on the latest survey.

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