The Candida Acne Connection

Lifestyle Fashion

When you think of Candida, acne may not be one of the first symptoms that come to mind. Many people think of a Candida infection and automatically associate it with a woman’s yeast infection, but the reality is that an overgrowth of Candida in your body can cause all sorts of symptoms, including acne.

Candida acne is the direct result of this overgrowth of the Candida albicans fungus in your body.

In some people, the infection manifests as a red, itchy rash, in others as mouth sores, and in still others as acne. Yeast can be the problem behind a lot of things going on in your body that don’t seem to have any other apparent cause, and acne is no exception.

The thing about Candida acne is that treating it will require more than just your regular over-the-counter acne treatment. To get rid of this acne, you will first need to get rid of the Candida overgrowth. Fortunately, there are several ways to do this naturally and effectively. Let’s go over some of those ways now.

The best way to put an end to a yeast overgrowth is to eliminate yeast from your diet and consume some of the good bacteria your system needs to fight yeast. The following are items to eliminate from your diet until your body has gotten rid of the yeast overgrowth:

• Breads and other baked goods that are high in yeast.

• Barley

• Beer and alcohol

• Sweets, such as cakes, cakes, and cookies

• Processed foods, as they may contain yeast or too much refined sugar.

• Antibiotics

Items to start including in your diet right away:

• Probiotic yogurt (sugar free, all natural)

• Acidophilus supplement (comes in pills, capsules, and powder)

• Garlic or garlic oil

The key here is to strengthen your defenses against Candida, as well as strengthen your overall immune system. Making the dietary changes listed above will go a long way toward treating your Candida acne, but the better you can choose healthy options, the more equipped your body will be to fight off yeast and keep other overgrowths at bay. This means quitting smoking and eating high-fat foods, and incorporating some exercise into your routine. Exercise works in two ways: keeping the weight down and reducing stress that can wreak havoc on your immune system. Making sure you get enough sleep is also important.

Along with all these tips listed, you can help and treat your Candida acne even faster by keeping your skin clean and dry and avoiding irritants like scented skin products. Your skin needs to be able to breathe, so skin care products or cosmetics that contain heavy oils and can clog pores should also be avoided as much as possible. And one final skin tip is to use a little apple cider vinegar on a cotton ball to clean your skin. The active ingredients in apple cider vinegar fight yeast and can work wonders on your Candida acne.

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