The best way to get around off-road on a budget

Real Estate

Moving all your stuff to a new house or apartment is something many of us don’t look forward to. Moving is hard work and can be very expensive if you don’t plan ahead. Making the right decisions ahead of time can save you a lot of headaches and can put money back in your wallet.

map ahead

The first thing you’ll want to do is decide which city you’re moving to. Don’t make the mistake of looking for a place once you’ve arrived. If this happens, you’ll either have to keep everything in the truck and pay expensive additional truck rental, or you’ll have to rent a storage unit to store your things until you can find a suitable place to live. Finding a place in advance will save you this unnecessary expense. Here is another secret. When you book a motel, hotel, or moving company, be sure to do it online. Booking online can save you ten to fifty percent on these items. This gives the lodging and moving company a chance to plan and organize your schedule and they are willing to discount their services for planning ahead. You’ll also need to make sure you’ve budgeted for the first month’s rent or mortgage on your house or apartment and that you have the necessary funds for utilities and possible deposits.


One of the biggest and most important decisions you will make is deciding which moving company you will eventually go with. Using the wrong one can cost you thousands of dollars if you don’t shop around and plan ahead. Most people will have one of three options to decide when they move cross country. The first possible option is to use a large, full-service carrier that is nationally known and provides both the commercial truck and the labor. Many in this class will even offer to pack your things. Most are reliable, but can be extremely expensive to use. Your second choice is the carrier that brings the truck or moving box you load. This company will then transport your things across the country to your destination. The third and cheapest is where you rent a moving truck sized anywhere from a teenager’s feet to twenty-eight feet to load it up and drive it to your new address.

The best

After comparing all the national brands, we found that Budget Truck Rental is by far the best and most affordable. After much research, this author found that Budget is the best and safest for the money. Budget has its trucks inspected at all locations once a week to ensure their safety and reliability. You also get the highest return on your investment with this company. Before you decide, be sure to call to find the best deal with all moving companies. Make sure you have the location you are moving to so they can give you an estimate of what your move will cost.

car trailers

If you choose the Budget truck rental route, be sure to ask about car trailers. Once your truck is fully loaded, you can stop by the Budget store and have them hook up a trailer so you can haul your car at the same time. If you have a family of three or less, this is probably your best option. You’ll also have the option of towing your car, or if you want a trailer where the car rolls and no wheels touch the road. Having a trailer where the car is fully loaded will prevent tire wear and other damage to your car. You and your family of two or three will also have a much better time traveling if you can all travel together.

Meals and pit stops along the way

Be sure to keep in mind that your truck and possible trailer are long and will be more difficult to drive than a normal car. Make sure you watch where you are going and stop. Some places are dead ends and backing up a truck and trailer is difficult. It’s also best to try to find restaurants with large parking lots when you stop for a meal. Finding a large parking lot means you will have an easier time finding a parking space for your truck and trailer. Many people seem to enjoy eating at Cracker Barrel restaurants because of their inexpensive food and ample parking lots. They also seem to be at just about every other exit on many interstate highways. Leaving the building will be easy because the restaurant is completely surrounded by the parking lot.


Most moving trucks require diesel fuel. Diesel fuel will usually be at one of the external pumps at most service stations and is usually more expensive than regular fuel used in cars. Rental truck tanks can also hold up to fifty gallons or less. Be sure to budget for the cost of fuel and ask what you should expect to spend when you rent the truck. Some gas stations can only accept cash if their machines are restarting or end up crashing. Make sure you have cash on hand so you don’t get caught unexpectedly.

final thought

Moving your own stuff not only saves money, it can also be a lot of fun. Bring your camera and see this as a mini vacation. This trip may allow you to stay in a motel, hotel, or hostel. You can also expect to have dinner along the way and maybe even swim a bit if the weather is nice. After you move things, you can look back on all the money you saved and all the fun you and your family had. Moving things cross-country is always the right move, as long as you make the right decisions.

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