Tactics to increase fertility: why the female orgasm is your best friend

Lifestyle Fashion

When a couple is trying to get pregnant, it is very easy for the sexual act to become mechanical, particularly for those couples who have been struggling for some time. After all, how erotic is making love to a calendar? Foreplay is often forgotten, sex loses its spark, and the only things on your mind are menstrual cycles, ovulation, and sperm count.

That’s not the mood for big lovemaking!

And while you may think that the loss of spark in your sex life is a small and temporary price to pay to get pregnant, this problem can actually be preventing your pregnancy

Mundane, mechanical sex often results in the loss of the female orgasm, and the female orgasm is more important than it could be if you realize you want to conceive as quickly as possible.

It goes without saying that the male orgasm is essential for conception; In order to ejaculate his semen in the vagina, he must reach orgasm. The female orgasm, however, can be just as vital. This is why.

When a woman reaches orgasm, her cervix contracts, causing her to dip in and out of the vagina. If the male has already ejaculated at this point, her semen will lie dormant in this area. Therefore, the dipping motion of the cervix will attract the semen, helping it on its journey to the ovum.

For couples who routinely engage in foreplay to the point of female orgasm, there is no reason to discontinue this. In fact, a female orgasm before intercourse has many benefits, the most important of which is the natural lubrication of the vagina (a well-lubricated vagina during intercourse will make intercourse much more pleasurable for the woman and will also increase the likelihood of conception). taking place thanks to the fact that the entire vaginal region is more hospitable to sperm).

However, what is vital is that the female orgasm is achieved after the male orgasm, to benefit from cervical immersions in the vagina rich in semen. Therefore, couples who want to maximize their chances of conception should ensure that the female partner orgasms shortly after the male ejaculates. This orgasm can be through masturbation or partner-directed stimulation, as long as the female partner remains on her back or on all fours to ensure maximum sperm retention in the vagina.

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