Symbolic gestures at funeral and memorial services

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Symbolic gestures at funeral and memorial services are sometimes used as a final goodbye to your deceased loved one. These rituals help to honor and pay tribute to the deceased, as well as ease some of the pain that comes from losing them. The token gestures don’t require a great deal of money or time, and the resulting feeling of comfort really makes the event worthwhile. There are many different types of symbolic gestures, so choose one that you are comfortable with and that really represents your feelings. Below are some examples of things you can do to remember your loved one.

Release Doves: Doves represent love, peace, hope, purity and innocence. They symbolize the spirit of the deceased flying towards the skies. Check the internet to find a company that rents to families for this purpose.

Release Butterflies: Butterflies symbolize spirit, freedom and beauty when they take flight. Search the internet for a company that provides butterflies to families for this purpose.

Plant a tree or garden: This type of symbolic gesture provides an easy way for multiple people to contribute to the memorial service. Everyone can feel that they have played a role in remembering the person’s life and celebrating the memories. Looking for the perfect location? Contact your local Parks and Recreation Department to inquire about donating a tree to a park.

Distribute Plantable Seed Cards: You can distribute plantable seed cards at your funerals or memorial services. These paper cards are embedded with flower seeds and can be personalized with your loved one’s name and a special poem or message. Your guest can plant the cards later and remember their loved one when the flowers bloom.

Make a wish: Locate a nearby fountain where everyone can toss a coin while making a wish for the deceased. This type of gesture is easy for even the youngest children to engage in.

Kite Flying – Gather family and friends and fly a kite in memory of the deceased. Who said memorial services couldn’t be fun?

Memory Circle: Gather everyone in a place that was of special importance to the person who has died. Have everyone hold hands and take turns recounting their favorite memory of the person. The circle creates a sense of connection.

Name a Star: Dedicate and name a star in memory of someone who has died. If you want to make it official, visit or Hold the memorial service in the evening and let everyone find the dedicated star. This gesture works well with both adults and children, and each night they can look up to that special place and recall memories of their loved one.

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