Strategic Marketing Using Digital Channels The Right Way

Digital Marketing

If you are looking to implement marketing from a strategic perspective in your company or business by using digital channels, then it may be useful to seek some advice first. That’s some of what we set out to do here as we seek to highlight some of the ins and outs of marketing execution in the digital age. There is more to digital marketing than normally meets the eye, as found in our consulting, design and execution of search engine and social media marketing campaigns.

When a company seeks [via its marketing personnel or use of third party agencies] market your products and services using available digital marketing channels such as…

  • video marketing
  • Junk mail
  • search engine marketing
  • podcasting
  • blog
  • social media marketing
  • microblogging

…all activities will need to be carried out through dedicated digital marketing channels in order to gain customer engagement from the chosen target market sector.

As an example of the statement made above; A decision could be made to use social media marketing and connect with customers through a partner advertising platform through which to post ads. Going through the process of crafting and running specific ads requires one to understand who the target audience is that the company cares about so that time is not wasted running ads that will eventually be shown to people who are not interested in the related products or services. that the company has to offer. Going through the targeting process will determine where the audience ‘hangs out’, so that when the message is seen, it is relatively easier to consume. [or be interacted with].

When you post ads within the social media marketing channel along with posting engaging and compelling content, connect with, follow, and republish others’ content. It’s important to make sure your ads are related to the tastes, interests, and aspirations of your target customers, as this will affect click-through rate, engagement, and other factors that lead to the actual cost of running the ad itself.

The content aspect of digital marketing is indeed critical and fundamental as a piece of content can be effectively repurposed for use in various formats and across different digital marketing platforms and channels. For example, a well-written article can be used as a blog post and then used as the basis for a podcast. This same piece of content can be developed into a video and then used to create multiple pieces of microblogging content. Each piece of content must be used within the planned digital marketing channels to deliver the marketing message through the intended market segments.

With the world we live in becoming more and more enabled by technology; This continues to open up opportunities for merchants and business owners to get their message across to customers around the world. However, it is important to execute correctly and start with the right messages, then the most appropriate digital marketing channel. [some of which are listed above] they are used to put the marketing message in front of the right audience. In other words, a targeted approach should be used instead of a hope and shotgun spray approach.

At the end of the day, digital marketing is still a subset of marketing and has its own set of secondary digital marketing channels. The strategic digital marketing approach is highly recommended, as when it is delivered and the results start to come in, one will understand why it is important to continue to take this approach to business promotion.

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