Software utilities to boost your Windows startup

Shopping Product Reviews

Don’t you love it when you get a new computer, it looks shiny, it looks slick and as soon as you open it, Windows loads up in seconds? So after a few months, when fast-charging time drops from seconds to minutes, to long enough for a cup of joe, you’re feeling a bit disappointed in that once-gleaming machine. If you feel this way, you’re not alone, and unfortunately it’s a pretty normal problem.

Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to speed up Windows startup, so you don’t have to wait as long for the machine to boot up next time.

You can do much of this yourself by typing ‘msconfig’ into the Windows run command. This takes you to a box where you can see all the processes that are currently running, as well as all the programs that are set to start with Windows. There are often quite a few programs you can disable on this list, saving you valuable time when you do a Windows startup.

MSConfig is the background program that decides what programs are running on your computer, it shows you everything, even hidden programs. This is one of the best places to give your Windows startup a real speed boost.

However, for many people, the Windows MSConfig option is too advanced, and it can easily disable something wrong, causing some massive computer programs. Fortunately, there are some brilliant free tools that can help you speed up Windows startup.

Tools like Chameleon Start Up Manager provide an easy-to-understand list of startup processes that load with Windows. It allows you to select which of these programs you want to allow at Windows startup, but also allows you to choose whether they should be loaded when necessary, to avoid system problems later.

Chameleon Start Up Manager is nice because it also gives you a few other options, including the rather nifty ‘Load while idle’, which you can set in some apps, so instead of loading when Windows is starting, they’ll load when it’s not. I’ve done. he used his computer for a few minutes.

Ultimate Start Up Manager is another great Windows startup tool. It is similar to Chameleon, but lacks some of its more advanced features. Instead, Ultimate Start Up Manager gives you an excellent overall PC utility, complete with startup virus protection and adware detection. It also has Kid Protection, in case you have some work or files you don’t want the kids messing with, and Turbo mode, which gives you a practically clean system to help you quickly load the things you need.

There are many other great programs that can help speed up that slow PC, these can be especially useful if you don’t trust yourself to mess with the Windows back-end (MSConfig). Free tools to speed up Windows startup generally do everything MSConfig does, and then some!

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