Slippery Elm: A Natural Cure For Acid Reflux And Ulcers


Slippery elm is one of the best herbs in the world, but very few have even heard of it. I’m not surprised. The unholy alliance that Big Pharma has with the US government is fine and strong. They want to stifle the public from realizing low-cost herbal medicines that could actually cure them of their ailments. Health problems like acid reflux or stomach ulcers could become a thing of the past through medicinal herbs like slippery elm.

In a very literal way, the billions that the government and the public pay for health care could be dramatically reduced if doctors recommended herbal medicines, but I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for that to happen.

Let’s talk slippery elm. This remarkable herb helps soothe and heal not only when taken internally but also when used externally as a poultice. It has abundant mucilage that soothes, strengthens and disperses inflammation. It is remarkably healing and soothing to irritated and inflamed skin, and as such is useful for treating wounds, various skin rashes, and burns.

The spectrum of medicinal uses where this herb not only soothes but heals is staggering.

Here is a list of some of its multifaceted medicinal uses:

  • acid reflux
  • stomach ulcers
  • Flatulence
  • Chronic constipation (when combined with psyllium seeds)
  • Acne
  • Skin rashes such as boils, carbuncles, abscesses
  • Dysentery
  • Poison Ivy (will soothe and heal when used as a poultice)
  • vaginal irritation
  • Burns, eg sunburn, regular burns, any kind of burn really
  • sore throat
  • Acidity
  • Gangrenous wounds or sores
  • Pneumonia
  • Asthma
  • bronchitis
  • pain when urinating

This list is not exhaustive. Slippery elm is a powerful “demulcent” or calming herb that comes from the bark of slippery elm. The powder is extracted from the inner bark, ideally from trees older than 10 years. Its botanical name is Ulmus fulva and comes from the Ulmaceae or elm family.

As you can see from the list above, slippery elm has a wide range of medicinal uses. Essentially, think of the health benefits of slippery elm this way: Where there is something in the human body that needs to be nourished, soothed, and healed at the same time, think slippery elm.

This means that it is ideal for healing inflamed fleshy surfaces such as ulcers, of which I have intimate personal knowledge, sunburns, inflamed mucous membranes, poison ivy, boils, skin conditions, inflammatory bowel syndrome, etc.

Let’s compare this herb to a typical allopathic remedy for acid reflux disease. Specifically, why don’t we do an honest comparison of slippery elm cheap price with the pharmaceutical drugs Prilosec and Nexium side by side?

First of all, both the herb and drug proposals claim that it does the same thing.

The drugs are touted as new miracle cures for millions of people and are major money makers for their pharmaceutical companies. Have you ever heard of the drug Prilosec? After it was released to the gullible public, Prilosec, the original “purple pill” for heartburn, became the #1 selling prescription drug for seniors in the world. Want to guess how much money this “wonder drug” Prilosec makes from its maker AstraZeneca? Try $6 billion dollars per year. That’s a billion with b.

When Prilosec’s patent expired, its maker, AstraZeneca, moved ahead with a $500 million marketing campaign to bring consumers to Nexium, the next Purple Pill. To say that they make money on this drug is an understatement. You don’t spend $500 million on an advertising/marketing campaign unless it generates just as much and more in profit. And it is profitable.

How about the slippery elm cost? A supply of 100 slippery elm pods will run you between $9 and $16. A 16 ounce bag of slippery elm powder will run you between $20 and $26. I have seen ads for Nexium charging $130 for 100 pills. (In fact, I’ve seen it as high as $162 for 30 pills.)

Paying even $25 to $90 a month for a pill that never cures but moderates the problem is No cure. It is a stopgap measure at best. It’s crazy. Slippery elm bark is an all-natural cure for acid reflux and ulcers. I have had two ulcers which slippery elm helped not only to soothe on a daily basis but to heal. Imagine that.

Western medicine is a great blessing to humanity with its research and emergency care, but they have a demonstrably terrible record in actually curing people with disease.

In short, this herb is a great gift to humanity, but unfortunately humanity is not smart enough to use it, or is simply ignorant of its virtues. Most herbal cures are very cheap, but the US government and pharmaceutical companies do not want people to know about these all-natural cures, because if these cures were published or made public knowledge, the profit centers of $6 billion would all but disappear and with it, their inherent tax revenues. So if you have an ulcer or acid reflux or something that is inflamed or injured, slippery elm can help.

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