Seven foods to avoid to relieve brain fog

Arts Entertainments

“The wise man must consider that health is the greatest of human blessings. Let food be your medicine.” – Hippocrates

It is essential to understand that food reflects how we feel and this is especially true for those who struggle with mental confusion (depersonalization) and other anxiety reactions. Some foods fuel the system and help keep serotonin and blood sugar levels stable. This leads to a great feeling of well-being. Other foods do the exact opposite and often trigger anxiety, panic attacks, feelings of mental confusion, and even phobic reactions. This is why it is important to know which foods will work for you and which foods to avoid if you have anxiety reactions.

Foods to avoid:

1. Sugar: Sugar will temporarily induce pleasant sensations in the brain and body, but in a short period of time these feelings will subside and collapse, leaving the individual feeling foggy, anxious, irritable, hungry, and lethargic. Anyone who has ever struggled with anxiety or brain fog will notice that sugar is their number one enemy. It will also disrupt sleep patterns and exacerbate feelings of OCD and panic attacks. Giving up the excessive use of sugar provides one with such dramatic relief that this in itself proves the fact that sugar is harmful to anyone suffering from feelings of mental confusion and anxiety. Remember that chemical sugar substitutes are just as bad.

2. Alcohol: Alcohol is known to many as “liquid sugar” as it has the highest ranking on the glycemic index. It will lift your spirits temporarily, but a high price is paid for this fleeting illusion. Alcohol also affects blood sugar levels, feelings of well-being, serotonin levels and produces feelings of intense brain fog, anxiety, interrupted sleep, irritability, and inability to keep blood sugar levels stable the day after. to drink. Spikes and drops in blood sugar levels are often experienced the next day as the body tries to restore stable blood sugar levels. This produces discomfort and increased mental confusion along with a plethora of anxiety symptoms for anyone who has experienced this effect.

3. Caffeine: Unfortunately, caffeine, found in a multitude of substances, is a very difficult chemical to bear if one is sensitive to mental confusion and anxiety reactions. It speeds up metabolism, increases heart rate, creates irritability, improves anxiety reactions, and is found in many foods we normally eat. Yes, we all know that coffee and tea contain caffeine and it is essential to replace these drinks with decaffeinated versions, but there are some decaffeinated brands that still contain some degree of caffeine. Certain coffee shops that offer decaf substitutes have had their decaf tested and some still rank high on the caffeine chart. Your best test is how you feel after using these brands. Trust me, your body will alert you. Also, herbal teas, for the most part, do not contain caffeine, but there are many that are not. Take a look at your green teas and be sure to select decaf as even small doses of caffeine will have an effect on a sensitized body. Chocolates are also loaded with caffeine, some more than others. Avoid dark chocolates as they are high in caffeine.

4. Certain food additives: Sorbitol, xylitol, and mannitol are chemicals that are used to sweeten foods and products that we often use on a daily basis. They are found in drinks, desserts, cereals, mouthwashes, and toothpastes. Not only do they create problems with mental confusion and anxiety, but they also cause an upset stomach and add to the symptoms of IBS, even if you have never had IBS in the past. They are best avoided because they have no benefit for people with mental confusion or anxiety.

5. Low-fat products: As long as you see “Low-fat” on the labels, you know that the fat has been replaced by SUGAR. This is easily recognized by reading the labels of all low-fat foods. Don’t be fooled by “low-fat” claims because the fat-replacing sugar will do a good job of adding fat to the body and, in some cases, more than the original fat.

6. Healthy Juices – Juices are delicious and often provide high levels of vitamins essential for good health, especially vitamin C. That is why I am not saying avoid juices altogether, but rather suggest adding water to your 100% juice. breakfast and by doing so, you will avoid the huge sugar rush associated with this product. You will still get the benefits of juice without the side effects of excess sugar.

7. Healthy snacks: Read labels carefully. Most of these “healthy snacks contain much more sugar and chemicals than you want to ingest. For years, people ate products like low-fat granola bars and rice cakes, believing they would maintain a good figure and feel healthy too.” Not true His blood sugar levels skyrocketed and so did his feelings of mental confusion and panic episodes.

There are so many “clean” foods one can get that help maintain a healthy mind and body. In addition, learning how to use protein to produce balanced and stable blood sugar levels is essential. In fact, one can choose the way they want to feel once they learn the basics of good eating, especially for feelings of mental confusion and anxiety condition. Shop smartly by directing your cart to the periphery of the market. This is where all fresh food is placed. Avoid central aisles filled with processed and refined foods.

Eating right, along with learning to think correctly, will allow you the benefit of eliminating all feelings of brain fog and anxiety reactions.

Take the time to learn what foods work for you. It’s worth the effort because you deserve to feel your best. It is your choice and by doing so you can create a clear mind and body that remain calm and relaxed. It’s always your choice, so take responsibility for your good health by learning the natural path to a greater sense of well-being.

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