Risk of infection after tubal reversal surgery

Lifestyle Fashion

In all surgery there are some risks and complications. Therefore, patients who undergo tubal reversal surgery are also prone to some risks after surgery. The most common type of risk is infection. 6 percent of patients suffer from surgical site infection. This infection usually develops within a month of surgery. Patients are curious about the cause of this infection and ask doctors why. The most common cause is microorganisms. Microorganisms contaminate the skin, and sometimes microorganisms present in the genital tract become the cause of infection. There is also the possibility that these contaminating microorganisms come from the surgical instrument or the caregiver. There are many possibilities of the arrival of microorganisms.

The infection is more in women who are

  • in smoking habit
  • obese or overweight
  • have diabetes

Although there is a small risk of infection in tubal reversal, the possibility is still there. When a patient develops an infection after tubal reversal, she develops the following symptoms

  • fever
  • bread
  • inflammation
  • swelling
  • redness
  • slow healing heat

If any of the patients develop these symptoms, they should see a doctor immediately. Treatment of the infection is done by using antibiotics over a period of time.

When is a successful tubal reversal possible?

No matter what method is used to join the tubes during tubal ligation, there is also the possibility of rejoining them. For example, if the tubal ligation reversal is done during a C-section or a day or two after a vaginal delivery, there is a chance that the tubes will reconnect to each other, but if the tubes were cut or damaged while placing endoscope into the navel making an incision, then the chances of a successful tubal ligation reversal are less. If clips or rings are used to tie the tubes together, it is quite easy to untie them.

If the doctor burned the tubes and only a small part of the tubes remain, it may not be possible to put them back. When the tubes are burned, the heat travels to most of the tubes, therefore, most of the tubes are damaged, so it is very difficult to repair them.

If the main parts of the tubes are damaged, tubal reversal is not possible. In that case, doctors usually recommend IVF. If the tubes are present in good condition, then successful tubal reversal is possible. Tubal reversal is performed by a trained surgeon who has special expertise in microsurgical techniques.

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