Remove horrible people and all negative influences from your life using magic

Lifestyle Fashion

When we know we’re doing great, but the people around us just want us to fall, that can be a huge problem that needs to stop.

It’s not that we can’t easily put up with everything and ignore the people around us; sometimes that’s not an option because some people honestly want to derail us for whatever reason, and they need to be stopped.

These types of people tend to continue with their unpleasant acts until they see that you are having a bad time, and even then many continue until you are emotionally destroyed and that has to stop.

We might see this in ourselves and others as unpleasant people reach out and try to affect us.

They’re not always as obvious or moving with their actions, but we know they want us to go down and if they can get others to go along with it as well, it’s going to become a powerful situation.

Nobody likes these people, and they constantly do passively horrible things all the time trying to turn people on emotionally.

Not everyone sees that they are assholes, but when we finally realize what is going on, it can be hell to pay, as we know that they like to cause horrible acts that can ruin the days of those around them.

They are just not good people and that is why we have to engage the spirits to get them out of our lives…

Hahaiah (fallen angel): causes those who are unpleasant and evil to be completely removed from your life in a way that exposes them to the people who matter most in their lives; destroy their reputation so that they fully reveal themselves to those closest to them while also removing them from your life.

Barbatos – expose your worst enemies in a very embarrassing way where they are completely removed from your life; He reveals them for the evil deeds they have done to others and completely ruined their reputations in the process. You can also remove enemies from the lives of your loved ones.

It can bring great relief to your life and the people you love when your enemies finally fall and just disappear from your world altogether.

It’s not about trying to outdo them over petty little things that don’t really matter, it’s about bringing them into a world where everyone knows how bad they are and they can’t easily recover.

At a time when the world just feels bad because of these people, you also need some emotional comfort and balance so you can think clearly and wisely about how to handle things.

We are bringing these evil people to a point where they cannot easily recover, and it is not good that they can recover so that they can cause more harm to others.

The spirits are literally bringing them to their knees in a way that they can’t easily get their bearings and do more crap to others, whether it be you or others close to you, and this is where their nasty deeds bounce back because they had no idea. that their evil stupidities would come back to them.

That’s where our ultimate spirit of retribution comes in…

Enki (Sumerian spirit) – causes unpleasant people in our lives or people close to us to experience a life collapse where they cannot easily harm others again; we are fully capable of recovering from any harm they have caused, to ourselves and others, and our enemies fall into an unpleasant period of being exposed in the worst possible way to those who matter most to them. It will not be a good ending for them, and they are completely removed from your life.

Once their wickedness rebounds and their lives are hell, you can be sure that justice has been served and that the spirits are at work to help you live on, and put your foolishness behind you forever.

When you realize that these people are no longer in your life, it can be a little intense to see how much better life can be without horrible people trying to derail your path.

This is how we should be: without external influences trying to derail us, making us feel frustrated, bankrupt and exhausted as human beings. They shouldn’t be allowed to do any of that and now we have to encourage the spirits to bring life back into balance so we can move on without worrying about them throwing their garbage at us.

We can finally move on and walk away from others who try to make our lives hell, and gently guide them to experience the same hell they tried to create for others, and this is possible through the spirits.

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