Pressure mounted gates are a great way to keep babies and pets safe


Pressure mounted gates are a great way to keep your baby safe and secure in a certain room in your home. Keeping your baby safe and sound and away from rooms that may be less secure, pressure mounted gates are not only convenient but also easy to install.

If you have an open stairway in your home, you may want to keep your child safe by installing a pressure-mounted gate at the bottom opening of the stairwell. While you can use a pressure mounted gate at the top of the ladder, I personally do NOT recommend this simply because as your baby gets a little older and starts trying to climb up the gate (and believe me they will) they can cause the gate to slide a little, which can cause the door to lose some of the pressure that holds the door in place.

This of course can lead not only to the door but also to your baby falling down the stairs and I don’t think I need to tell you how dangerous that kind of situation can be.

So when it comes to baby gates at the top of the stairs, you may want to consider using a gate that can be securely mounted on either side of the stairs. After all, keeping your baby safe from harm is the main goal of using any kind of baby safety gates, right?

Another great use for pressure mounted gates is to keep your pets, such as dogs and cats, safe. One of my favorite uses for pressure mounted pet doors is to keep my dogs out of my living room during the spring and fall, when they seem to shed 100 times more than any other time of year.

For the most part, I allow my 4 cats and 2 dogs to roam freely around my house as I consider them a big part of my family, but when shedding season comes I find it easier to confine them to the dining room and kitchen. simply because I don’t have time to vacuum and change the sheets (I keep my furniture covered year-round because of the amount of hair and it’s easier to change the sheets than constantly vacuum the furniture) three to four times a day.

Keep your pets safe again by using pressure mounted gates. If you have a new puppy, while I recommend using a kennel as it gives them a safe place to call their own, I also recommend keeping a puppy confined to a certain area of ​​the house for the entire 2 weeks. or so it takes for them to break the house and even for a while afterwards as there are bound to be some accidents.

In case you’re wondering where I get 2 weeks from it’s because when I use a kennel and a security gate it’s the longest it’s ever taken me to potty train my puppies.

While a pressure-mounted gate may not work as well for your cats simply because they’ll jump on it, pressure-mounted gates will work just fine when it comes to kittens, at least temporarily while they grow old enough to take care of themselves.

So why use pressure mounted gates? Simply because they get the job done and are pretty easy and convenient when it comes to baby or pet safety gates.

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