Present to a multigenerational audience


These can be difficult times for presenters and corporate trainers. The children of Baby Boomers are beginning to flow into the workforce, and for the first time, organizations are faced with the need to manage four different generations in the office. Those generations – Mature, Boomers, Generation X and Millennials (also called Generation Y) – each pose a different challenge for those charged with informing and educating them. They are an extremely diverse audience that can get in the way of even the most experienced and dynamic speaker.

The Mature or Silent generation, born before 1945, shows a loyalty to the company that puts duty before pleasure. These are the people who survived the great depression and fought in WWII. Baby Boomers, born between 1946 and 1964, are known as workaholics with a love-hate relationship with authority. They have been known to be both idealistic and optimistic, but sometimes somewhat impatient.

Members of Generation X, the MTV generation, came into the world between 1965 and 1979. They often demonstrate independence and results-orientation, but are also known for their skepticism. Generation Y – Millennials – were born between 1980 and 1999. They grew up in a time of unprecedented economic expansion and prosperity; Until recently, they had never experienced a recession. This generation has seen more at a younger age than most members of previous generations, such as the Oklahoma City bombing, the Columbine shootings, and the 9/11 tragedy. Exposure to these events through the 24-hour media has brought the world to you instantly. This is a tech-savvy generation for whom multitasking is second nature.

Obviously speaking to a multigenerational audience can be challenging. How can you meet the unique needs of each audience member while keeping everyone “on the same page”? Many speakers turn to visuals (handouts, videos, and PowerPoint slides) to make their presentations more lively and to keep the audience interested. That seems logical, given that each generation has experienced an explosion of newer and more sophisticated media than the previous generation. However, the fatal flaw with this approach is that adding traditional visuals to your presentation can turn off, rather than inspire, your audience.

A more effective approach would be to follow the Five Rules of Engagement … The multi-generational kind.

1. Get over yourself. Leave your ego at the door and remember that it is a privilege to speak.

2. Be brief: present content concisely. Members of your audience are used to receiving information in sound bites and capsule summaries.

3. Create an “experience”. Touch as many senses as you can, never forgetting the power of music and images.

4. Tell stories. Remember that you are not always the main character and no age group should be stereotyped in your presentation.

5. Turn it on. Try new things and novel approaches. The same old thing becomes false and insincere.

These rules speak to the presenter’s need to go beyond bullet points and avoid information overload. They encourage speakers to win the ‘hearts’ as well as the ‘minds’ of their audiences. These tips are less about style than content … more about capturing the audience’s imagination than simply filling their ears.

In addition to the Rules of Engagement, you may also want to consider these strategies to keep all audience members engaged, no matter what generation they are from:

o Focus on “take-home” value – This is more a function of these demanding times than generational differences, but members of all four generations appreciate it when it gets down to business and makes it practical.

o Employ multiple technologies: Extensive PowerPoint presentations are so “from the past.” Today’s audiences (especially Gen X and Y) will expect you to refer them to websites for more information and practical tools they can use. This will not only keep your attention … it will deserve your enthusiasm.

o Solicit Feedback Through Technology – Post-submission comment forms may suffice for Maduros and Boomers, but Gen Xers and Millennials will prefer blogging, chatting, texting, and tweeting in response to his presentation. Configure the technology as needed and encourage them to give you the feedback they want. It will keep them engaged and can generate more valuable feedback for you.

One thing is clear … today’s public speakers face multigenerational audiences that challenge their skills and effectiveness. However, by offering a new topic with passion and incorporating a few multigenerational strategies into your presentation, you can ensure that your audience is fully “in tune” and that you are achieving your goals.

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