Prenatal Fitness Certification – Choosing the Right Option For You

Health Fitness

Prenatal Fitness Certification

If you are considering becoming a prenatal fitness instructor, there are many certifications available to help fulfill your educational requirements. Having a prenatal fitness certificate will assure that the proper strength and conditioning exercises are performed both efficiently and safely, and will immediately add another lucrative stream of income for your exercise training program. Earning a requisite prenatal fitness certificate to become an effective prenatal fitness instructor is obviously of utmost importance to you as a new instructor. Here we will look at the various certificate programs offered and how they compare to one another.

Yoga Alliance Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training

The first program that is most often required before one can become certified in prenatal fitness instructing is the Multitask Exercise and Fitness Certificate Program which is usually administered by the American Pregnancy Association. This two-day course focuses on building up your upper-body strength, while simultaneously training your mind and your core to increase your overall health and wellness throughout your pregnancy and after! This program is designed especially for those who are not only looking to tone their bodies, but also to keep them healthy and strong during their pregnancy. You will learn exercises, nutrition facts and a few tips to improve your brain activity which are vital to increasing your overall prenatal fitness.

The second program that is recommended to pregnant women looking to enhance their fitness during pregnancy is the Prenatal Fitness Certification Program offered by the American Sports Club. This program is geared for those who have chosen to become physically active throughout their pregnancy and beyond. While it focuses on exercise, this training program also teaches nutrition information and some good habits to keep active women feeling great throughout their pregnancy. Included in this program is a prenatal fitness DVD that walks you through a variety of fun exercises that you can do right in your own home. By watching this DVD, you will learn a few simple but highly effective ways to stay physically fit and healthy during your pregnancy.

Prenatal Fitness Certification – Choosing the Right Option For You

The third and final prenatal fitness training certification program that we are going to look at here is the Prenatal Yoga Certification. Yoga is a great way to get in shape during your pregnancy, as it is low impact and highly flexible. As a result, you can often progress through your pregnancy without missing a beat. There are several yoga positions that you can practice in order to increase your flexibility and strengthen your core muscles. This training certification program also includes prenatal yoga instructor training videos that walk you through poses one-on-one. If you want a personal instructor to guide you through your prenatal yoga routine, this would be a great option.

Some other prenatal fitness certifications are focused on strengthening and toning your pelvic floor muscles. This part of your body tends to weaken during pregnancy, so by strengthening your pelvic floor muscles you can help minimize back pain, postpartum hemorrhage and fatigue. The pelvic floor muscle is located between your anus and your pubic bone. By performing a series of exercises designed for strengthening the muscles in this area, you can greatly reduce the risk of incurring a back injury. Many of these programs also include workout videos to teach you how to perform the exercises correctly.

The final two prenatal fitness certifications that we are going to look at today focus on increasing your fitness level while still being active. The first of these options is a prenatal walking program. Walking is a great way to not only get some exercise but to also strengthen your legs and burn calories. A walking program while pregnant should be done a few times each week, but even once a week is a good idea if you can schedule time during the day. After childbirth, most women find they need to become even more active, so by incorporating regular walks into your daily routine you can keep yourself in shape during your postpartum recovery period.

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